Ukraine Defence Ministry uses anime reference while highlighting Russian war losses

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, on September 30, tweeted an infographic highlighting Russian combat losses in Ukraine between February 24 and September 30. The infographic was accompanied by the caption, "Power isn't determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!" which is a quote from the popular anime One Piece. 

This isn't the first time the Ukrainian MoD's official Twitter account used an anime reference to talk about the war.

Back in July, they edited an image from the upcoming anime Chainsaw Man with the caption, "Today #HIMARS has a Ukrainian heart beating inside of it. Today #HIMARS wears Ukrainian military uniform." 

This post highlighted the arrival of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) in Ukraine from the United States earlier in June. Chainsaw Man's character design saw a bit of remodelling here as the chainsaws on his arms and head were replaced with rocket launchers mimicking the HIMARS design. The HIMARS would later aid the Ukrainian armed forces in taking out multiple Russian targets occupying parts of Russia.


Ukraine Defence Ministry uses anime reference while highlighting Russian war losses

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, on September 30, tweeted an infographic highlighting Russian combat losses in Ukraine between February 24 and September 30. The infographic was accompanied by the caption, "Power isn't determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!" which is a quote from the popular anime One Piece. 

This isn't the first time the Ukrainian MoD's official Twitter account used an anime reference to talk about the war.

Back in July, they edited an image from the upcoming anime Chainsaw Man with the caption, "Today #HIMARS has a Ukrainian heart beating inside of it. Today #HIMARS wears Ukrainian military uniform." 

This post highlighted the arrival of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) in Ukraine from the United States earlier in June. Chainsaw Man's character design saw a bit of remodelling here as the chainsaws on his arms and head were replaced with rocket launchers mimicking the HIMARS design. The HIMARS would later aid the Ukrainian armed forces in taking out multiple Russian targets occupying parts of Russia.


সরিষা, মধু, মৌ-পালন, সরিষার খেত,

গ্রামীণ অর্থনীতি বিকাশের সুযোগ বাড়াচ্ছে মৌ-পালন

বেশ কয়েকটি প্রতিবেদন ও কৃষি জরিপে জানা যায়, দেশে বছরে আনুমানিক ৩০ থেকে ৪০ হাজার টন মধু উৎপাদিত হয়। এর বেশিরভাগই সুন্দরবনের প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ থেকে আসে। তবে গ্রাম ও মফস্বলে মৌমাছি পালনের কয়েকটি...

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