After years of anticipation, the long-awaited anime adaptation of Junji Ito's Uzumaki has finally arrived. While it largely adheres to the unsettling source material, it unfortunately carries some notable flaws.
All Out!, an action-packed cricket manga by Source? hit the shelves last month.
A review of 'Father of the Nation Bangabandhu' (NRB Scholars, 2024) by ME Chowdhury Shameem and Iwamoto Keita
On 5 March 2024, at the 17th Japan International Manga Awards, a manga portraying the life and struggle of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman received a bronze medaeruml, making it the first Bangladeshi manga to be featured in and to have won such a prestigious award
Hell’s Paradise’s unapologetically grotesque nature makes it a memorable experience throughout its runtime.
The ambition was to popularise Bangladeshi manga. At first the initiative was voluntary but later they succeeded to commercialise the publication.
Vinland Saga builds on top of the central war motif by taking the viewers on a spell-bounding journey of revenge, redemption, and self-discovery.
One random tweet by a fan account has sent a 2019 book flying off the shelves, climbing bestseller charts.
Boogiepop And Others is a 2019 anime that is hardly known or talked about.
After years of anticipation, the long-awaited anime adaptation of Junji Ito's Uzumaki has finally arrived. While it largely adheres to the unsettling source material, it unfortunately carries some notable flaws.
All Out!, an action-packed cricket manga by Source? hit the shelves last month.
A review of 'Father of the Nation Bangabandhu' (NRB Scholars, 2024) by ME Chowdhury Shameem and Iwamoto Keita
On 5 March 2024, at the 17th Japan International Manga Awards, a manga portraying the life and struggle of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman received a bronze medaeruml, making it the first Bangladeshi manga to be featured in and to have won such a prestigious award
Hell’s Paradise’s unapologetically grotesque nature makes it a memorable experience throughout its runtime.
The ambition was to popularise Bangladeshi manga. At first the initiative was voluntary but later they succeeded to commercialise the publication.
Vinland Saga builds on top of the central war motif by taking the viewers on a spell-bounding journey of revenge, redemption, and self-discovery.
One random tweet by a fan account has sent a 2019 book flying off the shelves, climbing bestseller charts.
Boogiepop And Others is a 2019 anime that is hardly known or talked about.
“Within just two weeks of the launch, we sold almost 500 copies."