Star Youth

Star Youth

Celebrating Galentine’s Day on a budget

The spirit of Valentine's Day isn't just reserved for romantic partners – it's also about cherishing all forms of love, including platonic love.

3d ago

The struggles of being older than your peers

For most students, having a close group of friends from childhood, especially with varying ages, ensures that they never end up feeling very different for their own age.

2w ago

Why young people should read The Adventures of Tintin

Almost a decade has passed since then, and Tintin still remains a timeless classic.

2w ago

The academic junkie’s guide to micro-dosing success

As you enjoy studying at a comfortable pace, you’ll naturally want to increase the workload as you get used to the previous one.

2w ago

Coping with climate anxiety: The struggles of Bangladeshi youth

Experts predict that we will face more unpredictable weather events in the coming year due to climate change.

3w ago

Why you deserve to spend your vacations with no guilt

Constantly berating yourself for not spending your break “properly” can be counterproductive.

Understanding and coping with burnout in high-achievers

Parents, educators, and even the media have an unhealthy preoccupation with prodigies. This encourages students to do more than they should at a young age, which can develop into a complex about maintaining their competitive nature by pushing themselves past their limits. 

Youth activism and the Palestinian resistance

As the vanguard for change, the fires of revolution burn hot in our blood, and these flames are only fanned by young Palestinians who are showing the world what it truly means to be a revolutionary.

Being a bookworm on a busy schedule

When you still approach reading in its ritualistic form every once in a while, it won’t feel like you’re “making time to read” but simply reading.

Superhero content that is actually cinema

While it is mostly always the formulaic films which get the attention, there are actually many superhero adaptations which are very profound in their own right and wholeheartedly deserve to be in the discussions of what is considered cinema.

Are your 20s for the panic or the glory?

While there are certainly exhilarating and growing moments, they are frequently intermingled with hurdles and panic.

Coming to terms with the fact that nothing lasts forever

The transience of things might be disturbing and extremely overwhelming.

Plant Easy organises “Plantifying Schools” at Shishu Kallyan Primary School

Shishu Kallyan Primary School bore witness to the "Plantifying Schools: Chapter 1" initiative on October 17, which emerged as a ray of hope for the child labourers and underserved students of the school. The event was organised to encompass an interactive and engaging experience, community engagement, insightful surveys, a platform for green products, and vocational training.

A university student’s guide to time management

The best way to manage time, therefore, is to simply stop letting ourselves become distracted for hours on end. And yes, this does mean that watching one extra productivity hack video on YouTube will be detrimental to this journey.

What is hobby fatigue and how to deal with it

Burnout, in general, is usually caused by high amounts of stress or overworking. To recover from such burnout, you need to relax and take some time off.

Haileybury Bhaluka – a unique educational experience

Haileybury Bhaluka is a premier international boarding school, providing boys aged between 11 and 18 years with an exceptional English educational experience. The institution in Bangladesh is affiliated to Haileybury College UK and boasts an 850-acre campus situated in the beautiful rural setting of Bhaluka, 75 kilometres north of Dhaka, in Mymensingh. 

PPECCC Dhaka 2023 explores climate change as an opportunity for investment and employment

On September 23, the Preserve Planet Earth Climate Change Conference (PPECCC) took place, signifying the inaugural event in a planned series of conferences that will take place in major cities worldwide.

Leisure time is not wasted time

We need to stop denigrating leisure as a waste of time or something to feel guilty about.

Bangladeshi activists join Global Climate Strike

The climate strike was held in Bangladesh is a part of the Global Climate Strike organised by Fridays for Future.

Making the jump from O level to A level

It only takes a few weeks into A levels for students to realise the stark difference between O and A levels.

Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed Park becomes Bangladesh's first free Bangla book reading destination

On September 9, Grow Your Reader Foundation (GYRF) celebrated a significant milestone with the inauguration of two new Book Garages in collaboration with Goofi at the Justice Shahbuddin Ahmed Park, Gulshan. 

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