

Search Committee’s final hour: History will judge whether it was their finest

Tomorrow (February 24, 2022), the Search Committee will submit its recommendations to the President. Regrettably it will be done as before – in secrecy. We will never know (unless the President decides otherwise and sets a new precedent, and we hope he does) the ten names they recommended and only learn about the five the President will choose in consultation with the Prime Minister.

2y ago

Commentary by Mahfuz Anam: DSA - the law that jails now kills

Mushtaq Ahmed, the writer, the commentator, the socially conscious citizen, the articulate but moderate voice of dissent and a critical observer of current events is dead.

3y ago

The other deadly ‘virus’: inefficiency

While we are haunted by the spectre of coronavirus damaging our society, its health and the economy, there is another “virus” that has been destroying us from inside for decades.

4y ago

Commentary / Requesting the SC to recall its ‘request’

The reason we say that this “request” couldn’t have come from our Supreme Court judges is that the implication of the “request” is nothing short of death for court reporting. It will lead to shrouding of the judicial process and whatever goes on in the courts into the darkness of night forever depriving it of the “light” of public scrutiny.

5y ago

Commentary: One day does not an election make

The much-awaited Gazipur city election is over, the “we-knew-it-from-before” polls results are upon us, the “impartiality” of the police and the “neutrality” of the civil administration have once again been demonstrated, the never-too-late-to-follow “certificate” of the Election Commission has been delivered and, of course, our democracy now stands “strengthened”.

6y ago

Commentary: ‘Analogue law’ for ‘Digital Bangladesh’

This government's sterling achievement of setting in motion a “Digital Bangladesh” suffers a serious blow by way of the proposed Digital Security Act that the cabinet has just approved.

6y ago

Commentary / Story of an MP and a teacher

Most of our greatest politicians were parliamentarians like AK Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Dhirendranath Datta, Ataur Rahman Khan, not to mention Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmad, Syed Nazrul Islam, M Mansur Ali and many others.

8y ago
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