Relationships & Family

Relationships & Family

Keep the flame alive: Creative ways to spark up your relationship!

The spark that once fuelled your love may appear less intense than before as you juggle household responsibilities and professional obligations. You may, however, rekindle the romance in your relationship and rediscover its magic with a dash of effort and a bit of creativity.

1m ago

Was Bollywood right? Can a boy and a girl never be just friends?

Friends can share secrets, cuddle up on the sofa, and show each other a great deal of affection without necessarily being in a romantic relationship. However, emotions might shift at times, and it's okay to question whether relationships could go beyond friendship.

1m ago

The secrets to a stronger long-distance relationship

Communication may be the key, but it only unlocks one of the many hypothetical doors in your relationship. Long-distance relationships go beyond just losing your night’s sleep or waking up at the crack of dawn to talk to your partner.

1m ago

Swipe left on heartache: The journey to post-breakup happiness

We've all experienced post-breakup scrolling sessions that make us feel even more unhappy than before. Reopening wounds you thought was healing may happen when you stumble onto old images, or see your ex's happy face pop up on your feed. It can be difficult to fully distance yourself from your ex-partners and move on when information about them is always readily available.

2m ago

Should you post your relationship milestones on social media?

We feel validated when our partner shows us off to their network and broadcasts our feelings to the world. The question remains, should you really be sharing relationship milestones online? The truth is, behind the momentary rush of dopamine and picture-perfect moments is a complex web of pros and cons.

2m ago

Should you really take relationship advice from netizens?

Picture this: It's a lazy Friday afternoon in Dhaka. The sky is overcast, and you are sipping on your third cup of cha, scrolling through your phone. Suddenly, the urge to solve your relationship woes with the wisdom of the internet grips you.

3m ago

How do you react when your ex is doing better than you?

Your ex is scaling mountains, while you're barely managing to scale the pile of laundry in the corner of your room. But before you drown in a sea of self-pity, let's flip the script with some earth-shattering, cha-stirring advice on how to invest in the most scandalously overlooked and self-devalued stock on the market: you.

3m ago

Can dating your opposites lead to happily ever after?

Did you ever find yourself attracted to someone different from you? Even though you are shy and creative, you have a thing for outgoing and athletic people. Or perhaps you party every weekend, but the one you love likes quiet evenings at home. Regardless, it is an age-old romantic cliché that opposites are more likely to fall in love.

3m ago

Gifts of love: Nostalgic reminiscence of thoughtful gestures

Mementos of love are something special. Not many people safekeep them in a box but gifts that stand out are kept in our memories forever. To find out what curious presents people have received over the years, we talk to Raihan Ahmed, a communications specialist, and Urmee Sarkar, a chef.

3m ago

How I met your Bhai/Bhabi: The cost of forever after

Nobody meets their ‘The One’ on their first try but have you ever wondered what it took to find your forever after? Of course, I hear you say in unison, “heartbreaks,” “shattered dreams,” etc. and you are right obviously. But here’s another way to look at the scenario; what did it cost you to find your ever after?

3m ago

Unlocking Love's Cosmic Code: Astrological compatibility among lovers

The first step to gauging compatibility is understanding the elements and how they work together. There are four elements — fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

3m ago

Your Ex’s Gift: Toss It or Treasure It?

You have just broken up with the supposed love of your life. Many tears and movie marathons later, you have probably moved on, all except for one thing: those darned gifts. Your best friend of five years is suggesting you throw them away — they are of no use! But deep down, your heart says otherwise. Relationships can be such a headache…Is that gift really so appreciable? Or is it just another worthless excuse for you to hold onto memories which will never return?

3m ago

Nurturing family bonds: 5 unseen rules for everyday harmony

We live in a world where cultivating strong family bonds may seem like an impossible task. However, creating special moments with your family does not require grand gestures. The key to a strong family bond lies in the small, everyday actions that often go unnoticed. These unspoken rules are the foundation of a happy family, fostering love, trust, and support.

3m ago

How long after a breakup should you date again?

Well, two main ideas guide dating after a breakup. One believes that it is toxic to date immediately after a breakup. Another idea is that finding someone else is the best way to get over someone, and even a rebound might be good. But which one is correct? Is there an ideal time to wait before dating after a breakup?

4m ago

When parenthood creates distance in a marriage

A path set forth with the hopes of love, friendship, and common goals, frequently runs into unforeseen obstacles. Arriving at a child's life is one such challenge that many couples face. Occasionally, what starts out as the realisation of a common goal can inadvertently cause a drift that turns the couple from husband and wife into devoted but estranged parents.

6m ago

Is your relationship healthy or overly possessive?

Feeling protective towards your partner, married or otherwise, often stems from a deep-seated commitment. It is natural, sometimes healthy even, when you feel responsible for your partner. However, there is a fine line between being protective and dominating or controlling your loved ones.

6m ago

Rollercoaster romance: Navigating love's emotional highs and lows

Love, they say, is a wild ride full of ups, downs, and unexpected loops. If you've ever been married, you know that navigating the emotional spectrum of your spouse can sometimes feel like riding a roller coaster blindfolded. One moment you're cruising on Cloud Nine, and the next, you're hurtling through the twists and turns of their feelings.

6m ago

The best generation of fathers: The millennial dads

From attending Lamaze classes to changing diapers, taking the kids out to being involved in PTMs, millennial dads are quite the apology for their past generations.

7m ago
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