Summer Hair Care for Those Who Wear the Hijab

Design: Azmin Azran

Being a person with long hair during summer is no easy task. Add a hijab and it turns into a whole different ball game. There is the fear of your hair thinning out, the woes of sweaty scalps, and of course, the agony of migraines from having your hair tied up for long hours. These issues aggravate the need to follow up with a proper hair care routine. Not doing so can result in these concerns accumulating over time and deteriorating our hair quality.

First and foremost, we must choose the right kinds of fabric for the hijab. Do whatever it takes but suppress the hijabi urge to reach out for the black scarf for every occasion. Light colours and breathable fabric like cotton or linen can make pushing back on the beating heat of the sun throughout the day significantly easier.

Another thing to keep in mind is that regardless of how much dirt and pollution our hair is shielded from, the secretion of sebum from hair follicles will inevitably make our hair icky. Most people may instinctively want to shampoo their hair every single day for that reason. If frequent shampooing is unavoidable, it may be beneficial to steer clear of using hair products with sulfates in them. Sulfates rinse out all the moisture from the scalp causing dandruff to form, leaving the skin tragically flaky and itchy.

On the topic of steering clear, hijab-wearers can also try forgoing the blow dryer as often as possible. Tricky as it may seem, air-drying your hair is almost always better than blow-drying it. The repeated exposure to intense heat from the equipment before wrapping it under the hijab can weaken hair strands and break them. But the ill practice of wearing a hijab with hair still wet is by far the most damaging to hair. Not to mention doing so with a tight high bun is guaranteed to leave you with a scathing headache.

With the cautionary guidelines drawn out, it is time to shed light on the importance of reviving hair that has already fallen victim to neglect. Our hair will hardly ever repair itself once the damage is done and so the responsibility falls on us to make a conscious effort for its cause. Treating damaged hair will require us to expend our time and effort. A proper regime should ideally include massages, hair serums, and masks. While this does not necessarily have to be expensive, it must be consistent and suited to your hair needs.

In short, as long as we avoid complete and utter suffocation of the hair and do our best to take some time to pamper it, summer should be less dreadful for hijabis. At the end of the day, our hair's adaptability to the heat will go beyond than just these tips since a good routine will be different for everyone. Moreover, starting or continuing any kind of a hair regime will always feel like a chore in the beginning. Then again, our investment of attention and care will always be rewarding.

Irina needs to give up on the extreme sport of trying to finish assignments hours before the deadline. Send help at


Summer Hair Care for Those Who Wear the Hijab

Design: Azmin Azran

Being a person with long hair during summer is no easy task. Add a hijab and it turns into a whole different ball game. There is the fear of your hair thinning out, the woes of sweaty scalps, and of course, the agony of migraines from having your hair tied up for long hours. These issues aggravate the need to follow up with a proper hair care routine. Not doing so can result in these concerns accumulating over time and deteriorating our hair quality.

First and foremost, we must choose the right kinds of fabric for the hijab. Do whatever it takes but suppress the hijabi urge to reach out for the black scarf for every occasion. Light colours and breathable fabric like cotton or linen can make pushing back on the beating heat of the sun throughout the day significantly easier.

Another thing to keep in mind is that regardless of how much dirt and pollution our hair is shielded from, the secretion of sebum from hair follicles will inevitably make our hair icky. Most people may instinctively want to shampoo their hair every single day for that reason. If frequent shampooing is unavoidable, it may be beneficial to steer clear of using hair products with sulfates in them. Sulfates rinse out all the moisture from the scalp causing dandruff to form, leaving the skin tragically flaky and itchy.

On the topic of steering clear, hijab-wearers can also try forgoing the blow dryer as often as possible. Tricky as it may seem, air-drying your hair is almost always better than blow-drying it. The repeated exposure to intense heat from the equipment before wrapping it under the hijab can weaken hair strands and break them. But the ill practice of wearing a hijab with hair still wet is by far the most damaging to hair. Not to mention doing so with a tight high bun is guaranteed to leave you with a scathing headache.

With the cautionary guidelines drawn out, it is time to shed light on the importance of reviving hair that has already fallen victim to neglect. Our hair will hardly ever repair itself once the damage is done and so the responsibility falls on us to make a conscious effort for its cause. Treating damaged hair will require us to expend our time and effort. A proper regime should ideally include massages, hair serums, and masks. While this does not necessarily have to be expensive, it must be consistent and suited to your hair needs.

In short, as long as we avoid complete and utter suffocation of the hair and do our best to take some time to pamper it, summer should be less dreadful for hijabis. At the end of the day, our hair's adaptability to the heat will go beyond than just these tips since a good routine will be different for everyone. Moreover, starting or continuing any kind of a hair regime will always feel like a chore in the beginning. Then again, our investment of attention and care will always be rewarding.

Irina needs to give up on the extreme sport of trying to finish assignments hours before the deadline. Send help at


আগামী দুই দশক দেশের রাজনীতি ও সমাজে তরুণদের প্রভাব থাকবে: নাহিদ ইসলাম

নাহিদ বলেন, সরকার তরুণদের সঙ্গে কাজ করতে এবং তাদের রাজনৈতিক প্রজন্ম হিসেবে গড়ে তুলতে চায়।

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