Sweet shop vendors

We will chase after stringless kites
Down the road
Stop at sweet shops to taste the color
Of your eyes when your teeth sink in
To the flesh of a flower I picked for you
We will lay underneath moss-covered bridges
On patches of grass and wildflowers
The sky is running on empty these days and
We are all so exhausted
When the sun sets, we go back to hiding
Crumbling to the sound of the wind not ours
We look for light behind the rocks and
Every breath you take is a countdown till dawn
For when we can flood these empty lakes
With our tears
For now, I exist
And you are here too
And underneath the scanty seconds after every breath drawn
The little sweet shop vendors behind these
Smooth rocks, bubble wraps, and last night's leftovers
Call to us
To make our insipid world
A little bit sweeter
Fahad is a university admission candidate.