Building a knowledge-based society

Our office boy returned from holidays with a bandaged nose. It was an armed robbery, a near-fatal blow from a chopper. "Did you hit them back?" I asked, expecting a thrilling story of retaliation. His answer, however, was unexpected: "No, no. That would be against the law. They can break the law, but not us." This came from someone whose formal education ended in primary school. It got etched on my mind.
His words resonated with a profound truth: a knowledge-based society is not just about academic degrees or technological advancements. It's about a deep-rooted understanding of civic responsibility, respect for the rule of law, and a commitment to peaceful resolutions. It's about recognising that true progress lies in upholding ethical values, even in adversity.
But how do we build this society? It starts with a fundamental shift in our culture—a culture where questioning is not seen as defiance but as every citizen's basic right and responsibility. Margaret Atwood, novelist, poet, and literary critic, wrote, "A word after a word after a word is power." And what is a question but a series of words carefully arranged to seek truth, challenge assumptions, and spark dialogue?
Imagine a Bangladesh where questioning is encouraged from a young age, where children are taught to challenge assumptions, seek evidence, and form informed opinions. Imagine classrooms buzzing with debate, not rote memorisation, where teachers encourage curiosity and critical thinking.
Imagine a society where citizens hold their leaders accountable by asking tough questions, demanding transparency, and refusing to accept empty promises. Imagine public forums where diverse voices engage in respectful dialogue, seeking solutions to complex problems through reasoned analysis and evidence-based arguments.
This culture of inquiry is not a privilege; it's the bedrock of a healthy democracy. It's how we fight misinformation, combat corruption, and ensure that those in power serve the people's best interests.
But how often do we truly embrace this responsibility? Do we question the information that floods our social media feeds or passively consume and share without critical evaluation? How can we become more discerning information consumers, differentiating between facts, opinions, and falsehoods? Can we cultivate a healthy scepticism that drives us to seek evidence and consider multiple perspectives before forming conclusions?
And what about our attitude towards those who question us? Do we welcome their inquiries, recognising that questions can lead to deeper understanding and better solutions? Or do we react defensively, dismissing those who challenge our assumptions or dare to disagree? Can we foster an environment where curiosity is celebrated, and diverse perspectives are valued?
This inquisitive spirit should extend to all aspects of our society, including how we evaluate public projects and initiatives. When the government proposes a new infrastructure project, a grand development scheme, or a policy shift, do we accept it at face value? Or do we delve deeper, asking critical questions about its feasibility, long-term sustainability, and potential impact on our communities and environment? Do we demand transparency in how public funds are utilised and hold our leaders accountable for the decisions they make on our behalf?
Building a knowledge-based society requires us to understand our roles and responsibilities within the larger framework of our nation. Do public servants appreciate their obligation to transparency and accountability? Do elected officials recognise their duty to serve the public interest? And do we, citizens, hold them accountable for fulfilling these obligations? Can we create a society where everyone understands their role in upholding the values of a knowledge-based society?
By embracing the power of questions, we can embark on a journey towards a Bangladesh where knowledge guides our path and reason illuminates our future. Rabindranath Tagore eloquently expressed this in his poem in 1910: "Where the mind is without fear, the head is held high; Where knowledge is free..." His words are still relevant after over a century.
Dr Sayeed Ahmed is a consulting engineer and the CEO of Bayside Analytix, a technology-focused strategy and management consulting organisation.
Views expressed in this article are the author's own.
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