Blowin’ in the Wind

Blowin’ in the Wind

Why are highly educated people choosing blue-collar jobs abroad?

Seeing our PhD holders choose menial jobs over research and innovation highlights a flaw in our educational policy.

1w ago

Pension wars and quota protests: The manufactured divide

Polarisation, rife with mutual fear and rage, is on the rise. Something dark and sinister is occurring.

2w ago

Breaking chains through whistleblowing

Why does it matter for us when a foreign individual is free after such a long time?

3w ago

A monologue on the beasts among us

As I stand before the heap of fresh meat, my thoughts turn to the slain politician who was hacked to death

1m ago

P for Private, P for PhD

The UGC's decision to allow private universities to offer PhD programmes is a timely move.

1m ago

Our love-hate relationship with university rankings

A prestigious ranking system naming Dhaka University as the top university in Bangladesh makes us revisit that love-hate stance.

1m ago

Spare us the hypocrisy

Moral policing by the West, when its own hypocrisy comes out through its actions controvening international law, one cannot help feeling bemused.

1m ago

Dhaka’s transport turmoil

Dhaka is the world's rickshaw capital

1m ago

The aurora enigma: Science and myths

The interplay between myths and scientific explanations of auroras illustrates human being’s capacity to find meaning in the natural world.

2m ago

A slice of the university pie

The utilitarian value of a university must reflect the institution's inherent value.

2m ago

One, two, three of social deceptions

What people like Milton Samaddar and Tipu Kibria show us about society.

2m ago

Kafkaesque realities of traffic rule enforcement

The problem lies in the lack of clarity regarding the type of speed cameras installed and their operational status.

3m ago

Chaitra Sankranti: How do we detox our social body?

Gang culture, partisan politics, and hapless youth cannot be part of the algorithm needed for a Smart Bangladesh.

3m ago

Tax on private universities: Must we make education more costly?

This move seems to be a punishment for non-profit educational ventures that aim to enhance our higher education landscape.

3m ago

Dancing with Sycophancy

The spectacle raises some serious questions about the state of academic integrity and leadership.

3m ago

The shadow lines of Bangladesh's birth

Our freedom struggle helped us identify both our allies and enemies

4m ago

Hold on, let's talk about price hikes

Consumers hardly feel any sympathy for the downsizing that they have to experience due to price hikes. And all we get is haughtiness all around.

4m ago

Burning issues

We must heed the warning signs and take action before tragedy strikes once more.

4m ago
push notification