Prana: Where wellness meets passion

The journey of Prana Wellness Center was quite an interesting one. The partners who co-founded Prana started off as student and instructor. The year was 2017 when Jane Alam Romel took yoga classes from Rumana Akter. As freeing as the classes were for them, soon they realised, they both share an incredible passion for yoga and wellness. After listing down all the possible pros and cons, they both finally decided to invest in a wellness centre with a vision to educate people on the benefits of yoga.
"Romel and I are very much alike in terms of our dedication to wellness. As time progressed, we both realised we can make a change in the wellness sector if we start a venture together," shared Rumana.
A former yoga instructor of the American Club, according to Rumana, the ultimate goal of yoga is to help the individual to transcend themselves and attain enlightenment and that is exactly what they are trying to achieve with Prana. It started with a small room that their friend lent them, and now, they have their own studio in Bashundhara R/A. They have even conducted sessions at organisations such as Grameenphone Ltd and were invited to arrange retreat sessions at different projects of UNDP. Soon, they are set to organise sessions at IDLC and KFW. Apart from corporate sessions, they have also had sessions at various old age homes and orphanages.
Prana provides you with a complete wellness solution. Their services are not confined to just yoga practice. Karate and meditation are also their signature programs.
Prana aims to educate people on the benefits of yoga and wants people to understand that yoga is more than just holding your breath and bending or twisting your body. It is a method to help you enter a condition where reality is experienced and seen exactly as it is. This gives you the ability to experience the entire cosmos as a component of yourself, uniting everything.
"We have many students who have transformed themselves and their life through the power of yoga. When they share their stories with us, it fills us with happiness," shared Rumana. She aims to help beginner-level students reach advanced-level expertise through regular practice.
Due to the numerous different types of yoga practices, anyone can immediately start. "No matter your size or how fit you are, whether you enjoy lazing around or are a professional athlete, there are tweaks for every yoga asana," says Romel.
Yoga's popularity has grown dramatically over the last few decades. Because of its numerous benefits, yoga is being adopted and recommended by medical professionals and celebrities. While some see yoga as just another fad and associate it with new-age mysticism, passionate enthusiasts like Rumana and Romel attest to how amazing this form of exercise feels.
The journey of Prana has just begun. Both partners have plans for expansion in the near future. They are even looking forward to expanding in the corporate world, helping professionals live a healthier and better life.