8 New Year’s resolutions for a happier and healthier you!

The new year is an opportunity to reflect on our lives, set positive intentions, and strive for personal growth. In this article, we explore a collection of New Year resolutions crafted specifically to enhance happiness and well-being. From cultivating mindfulness to fostering meaningful connections, these resolutions aim to inspire a fulfilling and joyous journey towards a more balanced and contented life in the coming year.
Here are some resolutions that can truly pull up your well-being and happiness quotient in 2024.
Love yourself
An empty cup cannot pour happiness into anyone. Keeping your own cup full means knowing your worth and holding yourself in the highest regard, giving yourself patience and grace, even when in times of acute self-doubt.

Prioritise self-care
It is a fast-paced world but your body and mind do not have to suffer because of it. Set aside some time for self-care and watch how your body and mind work all the better for it. This could include morning meditations, reading, a skincare routine, and eight hours of sleep every night, among a host of other things.
Practice gratitude
Life has a way of giving you more things to be thankful for, once you start practicing gratitude in earnest. Counting your blessings every day has a calming effect on your mind allowing you to feel more positive and content.
Say no
We often tend to overwhelm ourselves trying to please others. Kindness is a virtue but not at the expense of your time and wellbeing. Learn to say no, when you feel you are pushing yourself too hard.

Learn a skill
Learning something new is one of the best ways to keep the mind alert and active. It can also help advance your career, foster personal growth and development, and make you feel more accomplished.
Healthy habits
Feeling lethargic all the time? You may be missing habits such as eating cleaner and greener, downing enough water, exercising regularly and getting plenty of rest. Not only can these habits help you feel more active, but also keep your mind alert and your body healthier.
Reduce screen time
The world may be getting increasingly digitised but sometimes, it is important to strike a balance between the virtual and the real. Strive to turn things around this year by keeping a book close. Each time you find yourself reaching for your phone unnecessarily, pick up your book and read a few pages.

Master financial planning
Set yourself a strict budget and stick to it as much as possible. Gifting yourself once in a while is great but so is a heftier bank balance at the end of the year!