DIFF Day 4: ‘Barir Naam Shahana’ to screen today

The Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) commenced on Saturday, aiming to showcase 252 films from 74 countries throughout the duration of the event.
Scheduled to run until January 28, the festival will feature screenings at various venues, including the Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Auditorium (main auditorium), Poet Sufia Kamal Auditorium at the Bangladesh National Museum, National Art Gallery Auditorium, National Music and Dance at the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), and Alliance Française de Dhaka in Dhanmondi.
Here is a list of some of the movies which will be screened today:
Main Auditorium of Bangladesh National Museum
Baqyt (Happiness) - 10:30am
The Cord of Life - 01:00pm
Dias Borrosos (Blurry Days) - 03:00pm
I Am Somebody - 05:00pm
Barir Naam Shahana (A House Named Shahana) - 07:00pm
National Museum-Sufia Kamal Auditorium Shahbagh
Seven Citrus Aurantium, The 3rd Man - Makram j Khoury - 10:30am
Marde Parvanei (Butterfly Man) - 01:00pm
Voyages en têtes étrangères (Travels inside foreign heads) - 03:00pm
Bari Fire Buddha (When Buddha Returns Home), Salvation Of Tree, Surot (Reflection of Life), Icu (I See You), Pagol Sattar (Way of Craziness) - 05:00pm
Rahas kiyana kandu (Whispering Mountains) - 07:00pm
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium
Long Live Love - 10:30am
Feng bao (Cloudy Mountain) - 01:00pm
Dov (Fortune) - 03:00pm
Just a Joke Darling, Joy Bangla - 05:00pm
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Music and Dance Auditorium
Momo in Dubai - 10:30am
Lullaby for Stanislav, Nada De Todo Esto, Sahbety (My Girl Friend), Yellow, Cinzas e Nuvens (Extended Presences), Wa Thakarina Wa Unthana (Our Males and Females), Colorcarne (Skintone) - 01:00pm
Tian Gong Su Zuo (The Magical Craftmanship of Suzhou) - 03:00pm
A Letter of Postmaster, Songini (Partner), Domer Chita, Nothing, Bunoful - 05:00pm
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium (5th floor)
Pustaya Tserkov (Empty Church) - 10:30am
Oameni de Treabă (Men of Deeds) - 01:00pm
Lullaby for Stanislav, Nada De Todo Esto, Sahbety (My Girl Friend), Yellow, Cinzas e Nuvens (Extended Presences), Wa Thakarina Wa Unthana (Our Males and Females), Colorcarne (Skintone) - 03:00pm
Waiting in Pray - 05:00pm
Alliance Francaise de Dhaka
Baqyt (Happiness) - 10:00am
The Gentleman - 02:30pm
Chalchitra Ekhon (Kaleidoscope Again) - 04:30pm