The narrative, based on actual events, unfolds in a small town in 1990s Bangladesh, where the film's protagonist, Dipa, portrayed with resilience and conviction by Aanon Siddiqua, grapples with the aftermath of a failed marriage, societal taboos, and the weight of family honour. Aanon’s acting prowess, coupled with the raw emotions portrayed throughout the runtime, is bound to leave the audience in awe.
The 22nd edition of the Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) has officially become a platform for the premieres of two notable films, namely, "Barir Naam Shahana'' and "Nona Pani." Organised by the Rainbow Film Society, DIFF’s cinematic celebration commenced last Saturday and is set to continue until January 28.
The Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) commenced on Saturday, aiming to showcase 252 films from 74 countries throughout the duration of the event.
The narrative, based on actual events, unfolds in a small town in 1990s Bangladesh, where the film's protagonist, Dipa, portrayed with resilience and conviction by Aanon Siddiqua, grapples with the aftermath of a failed marriage, societal taboos, and the weight of family honour. Aanon’s acting prowess, coupled with the raw emotions portrayed throughout the runtime, is bound to leave the audience in awe.
The 22nd edition of the Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) has officially become a platform for the premieres of two notable films, namely, "Barir Naam Shahana'' and "Nona Pani." Organised by the Rainbow Film Society, DIFF’s cinematic celebration commenced last Saturday and is set to continue until January 28.
The Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) commenced on Saturday, aiming to showcase 252 films from 74 countries throughout the duration of the event.