A jazzy afternoon with David Spencer

EMK Center hosted a masterclass and jazz performance by renowned Jazz musician David Spencer yesterday. The small stage held four performing artists including our star of the show with his trumpet. The event started with several Jazz pieces performed by David and his accompanists on keyboard, guitar, and drums. For over half an hour, the intriguing sound of jazz music stunned the spectators.

One after another harmony of instruments left the small hall all lively and joyful. The sound of the majestic trumpet along with a quirky piano and tagging along the guitar and drums brought upon an elegant and charming environment. The concluding piece was like a carnival in slow motion. After that, the artiste talked about his attachment to Jazz music for the next half of the show.

According to David, Jazz is one of the few things from America that are truly magnificent, as opposed to hamburgers. He also spoke of his childhood memories of music. He talked about how moved as a child he was by this particular genre and decided to pursue it. David said that jazz music is something that can be used to express both rage and sorrow. It is like Asian curry –the one from Bangladesh is too hot, on the other hand Thai curry is sweeter. This is how the variations are found in Jazz music throughout the globe. Pieces such as 'Black Orpheus' have the power to calm down an entire gang of toddlers.

Upon being asked about his beloved instrument, David explained the anatomy and mechanics of a trumpet, and that it falls under the brass instruments' group. He also demonstrated how it varies from woodwind instruments. The artist remarked that being a musician might not be the highest paying job, but it is definitely satisfying for our soul as it is the result of one's passion and skills. He mentioned the other three musicians and his short time well-spent here on the stage of EMK center. The tiny yet fantastic concert came to an end with taking a group photo of them with the little audience.