DU to welcome freshers with Chandrabindoo and Fossils

To usher in the new academic year and extend a warm welcome to the incoming students, Dhaka University is going to host a concert featuring the renowned West Bengal bands Chandrabindoo and Fossils.
Popular Bangladeshi bands Warfaze and Avash will also join the stage at the concert, which is scheduled to take place at the central sports field of Dhaka University on Friday (December 8).

The musical event has been organised by the Dhaka University Chhatra League as part of the orientation ceremony for the fresher students.
Chandrabindoo, hailing from West Bengal, is celebrated for its spirited songs that carry a profound thematic taste expressed in simple words. The band's popularity has endured for over three decades, with hits such as "Bondhu Tomaye", "Jodi Bolo Hyaan", "Twaker Jatna Nin", "Adorer Nouka", "Bhindeshi Tara", "Awnko Ki Kathin", "E Bhabeo Phire Asha Jai", "Juju", and "Eita Tomar Gaan".
Beyond their musical prowess, the individual members of Chandrabindoo—Chandril Bhattacharya, Anindya Chatterjee, and Upal Sengupta—are widely recognised for their contributions to various fields.

Chandrabindu has graced Bangladesh with its diverse range of songs on multiple occasions, performing at venues such as Dhaka Club, Fantasy Kingdom, and Foy's Lake in Chattogram. Their presence in Dhaka dates back almost a decade, with their last visit in 2014 on an invitation from Desh TV.
In contrast, Fossils, a rock band founded by singer Rupam Islam in 1998, brought a new wave of rock music to West Bengal. The band's popular tracks include "Neel Rang Chhilo Bhishan Priyo", "Tomar Chokher Kalo", "Kamlo Megheder Ojan", and "Aro Ekber", amongst others.

Rupam Islam, the lead singer of Fossils, has expressed gratitude to Bangladeshi band artistes for their significant contributions to the music scene. During a TV show in Bangladesh in 2011, he remarked, "My album became the first hit in Bangladesh. At that time, people in Kolkata were not aware of me, but the Bangladeshis accepted me with open arms. Listening to the feedback, Miles, James Bhai, Ayub Bachchu Bhai's songs, I grew up and learned a lot from them."

Initially scheduled for the 2nd of last month, the concert faced a date change due to James, the Nagar Baul, being in London during the rescheduled event. Despite his absence, the concert proceeded with the same energy and enthusiasm.