Chandrabindoo and Fossils to perform with James in Dhaka

Dhaka University has arranged a special programme for new year students where popular bands like Nagarbaul and West Bengal bands Chandrabindoo and Fossils will perform together for the first time.
This event will be held on November 2, at the central playground of Dhaka University. The Dhaka University Chhatra League has organised a special ceremony to welcome the new students of that year.
The West Bengal brand Chandrabindoo holds a special place in the hearts of Bangladeshi audiences. For more than three decades, they have gifted us classic songs that are still embedded in our heart. "Bondhu Tomaye ey Gaan Shunabo", "Twaker Jotno Nin," "Adorer Nouka," "Amar Bhindeshi Tara," and "Ongko Ki Kothin," amongst others.
Chandrabindoo had come to perform in Bangladesh numerous times. Earlier, the band had performed at Dhaka Club, Fantasy Kingdom, Chittagong's Foy's Lake. They last visited Dhaka in 2014 at the invitation of Desh TV. After almost a decade, Chandrabindoo will be setting foot in Dhaka to perform for the audiences.
Fossils, on the other hand, is a rock band founded by singer Rupam Islam. Rock music in West Bengal took on fresh life after the launch of this band in 1998. Their hit songs include "Nil Rong Chilo Bhishon Priyo," "Tomar Chokher Kalo Chai," and "Aro Ekbar," among others.