Rafid Khandaker

Why it is important to step out of your comfort circle

Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to personal growth, new experiences, and valuable networking opportunities.

3m ago

The Joy of Finding Supportive Teachers

The pivotal role that teachers play in shaping our lives often goes underappreciated

5m ago

Youth activism and the Palestinian resistance

As the vanguard for change, the fires of revolution burn hot in our blood, and these flames are only fanned by young Palestinians who are showing the world what it truly means to be a revolutionary.

7m ago

Are you managing time effectively? If not, here’s how you can do so

In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, many struggle to keep up with their myriad of responsibilities.

8m ago

Leisure time is not wasted time

We need to stop denigrating leisure as a waste of time or something to feel guilty about.

11m ago

Why making friends in university is more important than you think

It’s imperative that you make the effort to get out of your shell and find like minded people.

1y ago

Reuniting with your long-distance friends

Reunion with your long-distance friends, for many, is a long-awaited moment that at times feels impossible.

1y ago

The emotional turmoil of handling a sibling’s departure

The tragic part is many of us don’t have the emotionally free relationships with our siblings that would allow us to express these feelings.

1y ago
May 30, 2024
May 30, 2024

Why it is important to step out of your comfort circle

Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to personal growth, new experiences, and valuable networking opportunities.

March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

The Joy of Finding Supportive Teachers

The pivotal role that teachers play in shaping our lives often goes underappreciated

January 10, 2024
January 10, 2024

Youth activism and the Palestinian resistance

As the vanguard for change, the fires of revolution burn hot in our blood, and these flames are only fanned by young Palestinians who are showing the world what it truly means to be a revolutionary.

December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023

Are you managing time effectively? If not, here’s how you can do so

In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, many struggle to keep up with their myriad of responsibilities.

September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023

Leisure time is not wasted time

We need to stop denigrating leisure as a waste of time or something to feel guilty about.

August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023

Why making friends in university is more important than you think

It’s imperative that you make the effort to get out of your shell and find like minded people.

July 6, 2023
July 6, 2023

Reuniting with your long-distance friends

Reunion with your long-distance friends, for many, is a long-awaited moment that at times feels impossible.

June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023

The emotional turmoil of handling a sibling’s departure

The tragic part is many of us don’t have the emotionally free relationships with our siblings that would allow us to express these feelings.

May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023

The ethical minefield of employing domestic helpers

There are no specific laws protecting the rights of domestic helpers, making them prime targets for exploitation.

April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023

How to deal with disagreements with your teacher

Although teachers are there to advise and guide you, it is inevitable that you get into disagreements with them.

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