Why it is important to step out of your comfort circle

I was terrified of applying for a job as a writer for the first time. I had no friends who were doing it nor did I know anyone who already held the position at the time. Despite that, I decided to apply anyway, and as daunting as it was, it was also extremely rewarding. I got to meet the most amazing crew of writers. I got to learn a lot from the new people I met there, and many of these people I can now call friends.
Have you ever found yourself longing to try new things, but none of your friends are willing to? It could be a new hobby, a new job or even a new country. Change can be daunting, it may even seem unnecessary, especially if you are already comfortable. However, this might not be the healthiest or most effective way to go about things, and here's why.
Sometimes, we find ourselves wanting to try new avenues to reach our personal goals, or at least try to figure out what they may be. However, this would require one to step outside their comfort zone, and open up to new experiences, new challenges and new people. Sticking to the same circle of people may hinder you from seeking out the change since you may not share the same goals or influences.
Furthermore, there are benefits to going outside your comfort circle as well. People often undervalue networking, despite it being one of the key determinants of success. If someone pursues new opportunities but are always around the same group of people, they won't feel the need to go out there and make new friends or connections, thus damaging their networking possibilities and skills. Instead, if one were to venture out alone, they would need to talk to new people and create new bonds, thus not only getting help with whatever it is they are pursuing but also expanding their network.
Personal growth is another significant benefit. The greater the variety of people who we interact with and learn from, the wider our horizons and perspectives become. Granted, the experiences may not always be positive, but even the negative ones can teach you valuable lessons.
Finally, independence is a crucial skill that can only be attained by not being tethered to your comfort group of friends constantly. While their importance as a safe place to fall back on cannot be diminished, it is also important that you spread your wings and fly on your own. Otherwise, you might find yourself overly dependent on familiar faces being around you to succeed, which is a great hindrance to not only your independence but also your future ambitions.
As young people, the world lays ahead awaiting us, beckoning us to take its reins. So let us not be held back by the chains of familiarity, and embrace the new beginnings and new experiences that life has to offer.
Rafid is currently waging war against writer's block.