
‘Project Oporajita’ provides proper menstruation tools in northern regions

CSC started a campaign, ‘Project Oporajita’, which aims to provide menstrual support to women from underprivileged communities.

Cholo Swpno Chui (CSC), a youth-led social organisation founded by Muhtasim Abshad Zisan, supports orphans and people with physical disabilities, through their different projects. Recently, the organisation started a campaign, 'Project Oporajita', which aims to provide menstrual support to women from underprivileged communities.

For the first time in Rangpur, CSC installed a free 'Sanitary Napkin Box' in washrooms of several restaurants across the city. Starting from June 2, the first of these boxes were installed at 'The Kitchen' and 'Kitchen Express' restaurant in the city. Proper disposal of the sanitary napkins is also ensured by providing necessary disposable garbage support, under the project.

CSC aims to install these boxes in majority of the restaurants in the city. Moreover, their long-term goal is to expand this campaign in eight other districts of the northern region.

"The main objective of this project is to eradicate superstitious beliefs regarding menstruation and to provide women with necessary information regarding menstrual hygiene," says Tanjim Alam Tasin, General Secretary, CSC. "I believe we can raise awareness among all kinds of people in the society by expanding our initiatives in the future."

"We plan to install sanitary napkin boxes in all schools and colleges in six districts but we lack financial support," shares Muhtasim Abshad Zisan, Founder & President, CSC. "We lack proper funding to initiate further expansion and we urge sanitary napkin providers to lend their hands to help us expand this project."

Previously, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, members of CSC were commended for their efforts in raising awareness among the underprivileged communities regarding menstrual health and hygiene. The volunteers distributed sanitary napkins in remote areas across the northern region.

CSC is currently working on several different projects along with project Oporajita, a food relief campaign under 'Zero Hunger', providing educational support for orphans under 'Education for All', project 'Alokito Bangladesh', providing incremental and technical support for financially struggling communities under project 'Swpnopuron' and project 'Climate Action'.

"In the next five years, we want to increase the use of sanitary napkins to 50 percent from the current 16 percent by ensuring safe and proper knowledge and usage of sanitary napkins," expresses Zisan, first year student of Environmental Science Discipline at Khulna University. "In addition, we want to provide employment opportunities to more than two thousand people in North Bengal."

In recognition of their commendable work during the pandemic, CSC received the DYC International Bravery Award, the Covid-19 Hero Award, and the Corona Warrior Moyurpongkhi Global Award, recently. Founder Muhtasim Abshad Jisan was also recently awarded the Indian Humanitarian Award at the Indian Book of Records. 


‘Project Oporajita’ provides proper menstruation tools in northern regions

CSC started a campaign, ‘Project Oporajita’, which aims to provide menstrual support to women from underprivileged communities.

Cholo Swpno Chui (CSC), a youth-led social organisation founded by Muhtasim Abshad Zisan, supports orphans and people with physical disabilities, through their different projects. Recently, the organisation started a campaign, 'Project Oporajita', which aims to provide menstrual support to women from underprivileged communities.

For the first time in Rangpur, CSC installed a free 'Sanitary Napkin Box' in washrooms of several restaurants across the city. Starting from June 2, the first of these boxes were installed at 'The Kitchen' and 'Kitchen Express' restaurant in the city. Proper disposal of the sanitary napkins is also ensured by providing necessary disposable garbage support, under the project.

CSC aims to install these boxes in majority of the restaurants in the city. Moreover, their long-term goal is to expand this campaign in eight other districts of the northern region.

"The main objective of this project is to eradicate superstitious beliefs regarding menstruation and to provide women with necessary information regarding menstrual hygiene," says Tanjim Alam Tasin, General Secretary, CSC. "I believe we can raise awareness among all kinds of people in the society by expanding our initiatives in the future."

"We plan to install sanitary napkin boxes in all schools and colleges in six districts but we lack financial support," shares Muhtasim Abshad Zisan, Founder & President, CSC. "We lack proper funding to initiate further expansion and we urge sanitary napkin providers to lend their hands to help us expand this project."

Previously, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, members of CSC were commended for their efforts in raising awareness among the underprivileged communities regarding menstrual health and hygiene. The volunteers distributed sanitary napkins in remote areas across the northern region.

CSC is currently working on several different projects along with project Oporajita, a food relief campaign under 'Zero Hunger', providing educational support for orphans under 'Education for All', project 'Alokito Bangladesh', providing incremental and technical support for financially struggling communities under project 'Swpnopuron' and project 'Climate Action'.

"In the next five years, we want to increase the use of sanitary napkins to 50 percent from the current 16 percent by ensuring safe and proper knowledge and usage of sanitary napkins," expresses Zisan, first year student of Environmental Science Discipline at Khulna University. "In addition, we want to provide employment opportunities to more than two thousand people in North Bengal."

In recognition of their commendable work during the pandemic, CSC received the DYC International Bravery Award, the Covid-19 Hero Award, and the Corona Warrior Moyurpongkhi Global Award, recently. Founder Muhtasim Abshad Jisan was also recently awarded the Indian Humanitarian Award at the Indian Book of Records. 


‘চাকরি ফিরিয়ে না দিলে সন্তানদের নিয়েই রাস্তায় শহীদ হয়ে যাবো’

ঘটনাস্থলে কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত এক নারীকে দেখা যায় তার দুই শিশু সন্তানকে পাশে নিয়ে স্লোগান দিতে। কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত ছয় বছরের শিশুটি একটু পর পর মায়ের চোখ মুছে দিচ্ছিল।

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