Facebook goes political; wants Pakistan's Imran Khan released

In an unexpected and unprecedented move, the official Facebook page posted a status urging for the release of Imran Khan, the current opposition leader of Pakistan, who has been recently incarcerated. The message, which simply read "Release Imran Khan", was swiftly removed from the platform, but not before it went viral, sparking discussions and speculations.
For a platform that consistently emphasises its neutrality in political matters, the post raised eyebrows. Imran Khan, the cricketer-turned-politician, has been a formidable figure in Pakistan's political scene. His imprisonment has been a source of contention, with many of his supporters decrying it as politically motivated.
Several theories have emerged in the aftermath of the surprise post. One of the leading speculations is that Facebook, with its vast user base, may have been the target of a cyber-attack, and an external entity momentarily gained control of the platform's official page to convey this political message. Another suggestion is that an internal employee with access to the page might have posted the message, either as a personal statement or due to an oversight.
There are also those who believe that given the sophisticated algorithms and vast amounts of data that Facebook handles, this might be the result of an operational glitch, though this seems a less likely scenario.
Facebook has yet to make an official statement about the incident, but this unexpected post underscores the immense influence and power that tech giants wield in shaping political and social narratives, intentionally or otherwise.