With France charging Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, for not stopping illegal activity on his platform, other tech executives like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk might now reconsider any decision to travel to Europe. But, with Durov's arrest, should they worry about similar charges being dealt against them?
In an era where digital communication has become the norm, the practice of writing letters by hand might seem outdated, even quaint. However, as World Letter Writing Day on September 1st reminds us, this seemingly old-fashioned activity offers unique and powerful benefits. From nurturing mental well-being to enhancing critical communication skills, the act of putting pen to paper—or stylus to tablet—can still have a profound impact on our lives.
Japan's government is encouraging a four-day work week with three days off for workers in Japanese offices.
Realme has recently introduced the C61 smartphone in Bangladesh.
Brazil's decision to ban X, formerly known as Twitter, has triggered a surge in users for Bluesky, a growing social media platform.
A team from Bangladesh has won a Bronze Medal and an Honourable Mention at the recently held 17th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) 2024. Tasdik Ahmed Tonmoy from Govt. Laboratory High School, Rajshahi, won the Bronze medal, and Labib Bin Azad from Notre Dame College won the Honourable Mention.
Singapore's government is set to adopt a blockchain-based system for disbursing grants.
Alphabet's Google is planning to build a large data centre in Vietnam, according to sources by Reuters.
Shah Rafayat Chowdhury, co-founder of the social venture organisation Footsteps, has been selected as one of the 38 young leaders to join the Asia 21 Next Generation Fellows for 2024.
In a recent update, YouTube (YT) creators can easily share their YT channel with a QR code, a quick-response code that can be scanned online.
Huawei announced the winners of its 'Women in Tech' competition in June 2024, which focused on training potential women entrepreneurs. Here is a look at the competition's journey thus far and what the champion team's project was.
Google Meet has introduced a new AI-powered feature called “take notes for me,” designed to automatically summarise meetings.
A coordinated Facebook bot network comprising 1,369 accounts has been uncovered, primarily linked to Bangladesh Awami League.
Students from the Robotics Club of BRAC University, in collaboration with the startup Nabik Automations, have developed a remote-controlled robot to assist in flood relief in affected regions. Named 'Nabik', this two-foot-long boat is designed to deliver life jackets and food packages to places where larger vessels cannot reach. It also provides real-time footage to ensure communication between rescue teams and those in need.
Revorium, a new payment platform, has been introduced in Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh Dota 2 team has secured a spot in the Open Esports Students Games (OXY) 2024 after emerging victorious in the South Asia qualifiers.
Meta is facing a fine of up to $3.62 million after losing a lawsuit filed by the Brazilian department store chain Havan. The retailer accused the social media giant of permitting paid advertisements that falsely used Havan's name to deceive consumers.
Two Bangladeshi startups - Tiger New Energy, a company offering battery-swapping technology for electric vehicles (EV), and iFarmer, an agritech platform - has recently made it to the Forbes Asia's 100 to Watch list for 2024.