The universal pension would be out of reach of the extremely poor, such as day labourers, due to their inability to make contributions.
The scheme is not 'universal' as it does not encompass government officials.
The goal of the universal pension scheme is to bring all the citizens of Bangladesh under its coverage.
Why should we feel embarrassed for wanting a secure financial future?
Teachers’ strike highlights the importance of dialogue
Says Nowfel as public university teachers declare indefinite work abstention
Of the total deposits of Tk 86.68 crore, Tk 62 crore has been invested at treasury bonds
All government officials who will be recruited after July 1 next year will be incorporated in the universal pension scheme
The teachers of Dhaka University have observed work abstention for five hours today demanding reinstatement of the previous pension facilities instead of the newly introduced universal pension scheme
The universal pension would be out of reach of the extremely poor, such as day labourers, due to their inability to make contributions.
The scheme is not 'universal' as it does not encompass government officials.
The goal of the universal pension scheme is to bring all the citizens of Bangladesh under its coverage.
Why should we feel embarrassed for wanting a secure financial future?
Teachers’ strike highlights the importance of dialogue
Says Nowfel as public university teachers declare indefinite work abstention
Of the total deposits of Tk 86.68 crore, Tk 62 crore has been invested at treasury bonds
All government officials who will be recruited after July 1 next year will be incorporated in the universal pension scheme
The teachers of Dhaka University have observed work abstention for five hours today demanding reinstatement of the previous pension facilities instead of the newly introduced universal pension scheme
Through this, KSRM has become the first industrial group in the country to bring its officers and employees under the pension scheme, said a press release of the company on Sunday.