A new reality talent show, “The Cage”, aims to elevate the rock band scene in Bangladesh. Launched to provide a platform for emerging rock bands, the competition is designed to showcase undiscovered musical talent from across the country.
Earlier this month on June 8, the St Kilda Town Hall in Melbourne, Australia, witnessed a grand alumni dinner and cultural function organised by NSU Alumni Association Australia to commemorate three decades of North South University's achievements.
Join us in reliving the captivating moments from this unforgettable night as we capture the sheer magic, infectious energy, and raw emotions that resonated through the songs at ICCB, Dhaka, just last night.
A new reality talent show, “The Cage”, aims to elevate the rock band scene in Bangladesh. Launched to provide a platform for emerging rock bands, the competition is designed to showcase undiscovered musical talent from across the country.
Earlier this month on June 8, the St Kilda Town Hall in Melbourne, Australia, witnessed a grand alumni dinner and cultural function organised by NSU Alumni Association Australia to commemorate three decades of North South University's achievements.
Join us in reliving the captivating moments from this unforgettable night as we capture the sheer magic, infectious energy, and raw emotions that resonated through the songs at ICCB, Dhaka, just last night.