
Britain’s Far-Right Riots / The UK has always had an Islamophobia problem

"Stop the boats" has long been a slogan for far-right fascists as they terrorised the country.

‘Animal’ and the cultural politics of Muslim demonisation in Bollywood

Since 9/11, Indian cinema has played a strong role in normalising anti-Islam sentiments with repeated portrayals of Islamic terrorism

BOOK REVIEW: NONFICTION / A multidimensional look at the impacts of Islamophobia around the world

This book is an incredibly informative and well-researched introductory book for understanding the construction of Islamophobia in the West and its impacts on Muslims across the globe.

Hating Muslims has become fashionable: Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah has been a constant critic of the BJP and the growing Islamophobia in India.

In Southeast Asia, social media preachers under the spotlight

Indonesian preacher Abdul Somad Batubara has been in the headlines for being denied entry into Singapore over his extremist teachings.

What is meant to divide should unite

The Finsbury Park Mosque attack was another manifestation of Islamophobia that has gripped Britain and many other western countries including the US in recent times. Reportedly, there has been a fivefold increase in hate crimes against Muslims in London after the London Bridge attack. There has been a similar spike in incidence of hate crimes against Muslims in the US, particularly after January 20, 2017.

Student removed from flight after speaking Arabic

A University of California, Berkeley student who came to the US as an Iraqi refugee was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight after he spoke in Arabic.

Interview: How perilous is the threat to Muslims in the US

Since the deadly Paris attacks and San Bernadino shootings, a widespread backlash against Muslims in US has been reported.To understand the narratives around Islam and Muslims in US, Raza Rumi speaks to Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, who is the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University.

Pleasure is all mine / Embargo, Islamophobia and neo-fascist retreat

Abolt from the blue has hit Bangladesh as if we didn't have a plateful on our hands already: SMS threats to some Christian bishops as

August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024

The UK has always had an Islamophobia problem

"Stop the boats" has long been a slogan for far-right fascists as they terrorised the country.

January 14, 2024
January 14, 2024

‘Animal’ and the cultural politics of Muslim demonisation in Bollywood

Since 9/11, Indian cinema has played a strong role in normalising anti-Islam sentiments with repeated portrayals of Islamic terrorism

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

A multidimensional look at the impacts of Islamophobia around the world

This book is an incredibly informative and well-researched introductory book for understanding the construction of Islamophobia in the West and its impacts on Muslims across the globe.

May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023

Hating Muslims has become fashionable: Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah has been a constant critic of the BJP and the growing Islamophobia in India.

May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022

In Southeast Asia, social media preachers under the spotlight

Indonesian preacher Abdul Somad Batubara has been in the headlines for being denied entry into Singapore over his extremist teachings.

June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017

What is meant to divide should unite

The Finsbury Park Mosque attack was another manifestation of Islamophobia that has gripped Britain and many other western countries including the US in recent times. Reportedly, there has been a fivefold increase in hate crimes against Muslims in London after the London Bridge attack. There has been a similar spike in incidence of hate crimes against Muslims in the US, particularly after January 20, 2017.

April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016

Student removed from flight after speaking Arabic

A University of California, Berkeley student who came to the US as an Iraqi refugee was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight after he spoke in Arabic.

December 27, 2015
December 27, 2015

Interview: How perilous is the threat to Muslims in the US

Since the deadly Paris attacks and San Bernadino shootings, a widespread backlash against Muslims in US has been reported.To understand the narratives around Islam and Muslims in US, Raza Rumi speaks to Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, who is the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University.

December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015

Embargo, Islamophobia and neo-fascist retreat

Abolt from the blue has hit Bangladesh as if we didn't have a plateful on our hands already: SMS threats to some Christian bishops as

December 9, 2015
December 9, 2015

Trump's irresponsible utterances

We are constrained that the irresponsible comments coming out of some GOP presidential hopefuls have only helped to spawn Islamophobia in the USA...

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