ilish fish health benefits

Rupali ilish: Mastering the art of cooking hilsa

Delve into the rich culinary heritage of Bengal with delectable dishes featuring the prized hilsa fish. Using a tantalising blend of spices and then cooked to perfection, these recipes promise an unforgettable taste of tradition allowing you to experience the essence of Bengali cuisine in every savoury bite.

5 delicious ilish recipes you must try

The ilish is a versatile fish as it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Hilsa is as suitable for preparing delectable dishes on those special occasions, as it is for cooking a regular everyday curry. The hilsa season is almost coming to an end. Now is the time to get your fresh ilish from the bazaars of Chandpur and Mawa. The following are some easy to make recipes with hilsa. Try them out and you will not be disappointed!

Mustard ilish: Taste it or miss it

The nutritious anadromous-migratory-fish, ilish (Hilsa), has merged with Bengali tradition over the years. It is one of the most favourite dishes of Bengalis and is cooked in almost every home in both Bangladesh and West Bengal. Ilish was recognized as a GI-product of Bangladesh in 2016. It also contains a lot of essential fatty acids that are very beneficial for health.

May 19, 2024
May 19, 2024

Rupali ilish: Mastering the art of cooking hilsa

Delve into the rich culinary heritage of Bengal with delectable dishes featuring the prized hilsa fish. Using a tantalising blend of spices and then cooked to perfection, these recipes promise an unforgettable taste of tradition allowing you to experience the essence of Bengali cuisine in every savoury bite.

September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022

5 delicious ilish recipes you must try

The ilish is a versatile fish as it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Hilsa is as suitable for preparing delectable dishes on those special occasions, as it is for cooking a regular everyday curry. The hilsa season is almost coming to an end. Now is the time to get your fresh ilish from the bazaars of Chandpur and Mawa. The following are some easy to make recipes with hilsa. Try them out and you will not be disappointed!

August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022

Mustard ilish: Taste it or miss it

The nutritious anadromous-migratory-fish, ilish (Hilsa), has merged with Bengali tradition over the years. It is one of the most favourite dishes of Bengalis and is cooked in almost every home in both Bangladesh and West Bengal. Ilish was recognized as a GI-product of Bangladesh in 2016. It also contains a lot of essential fatty acids that are very beneficial for health.

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