HSC Exam question Paper leak

Man jailed for leaking questions in Rajshahi

A Rajshahi court sentences a man to five years rigorous imprisonment in a case filed for leaking question papers of Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations in 2014 in Rajshahi.

Coaching centres to be shut ahead of HSC tests

In a bid to prevent question paper leak in the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) exams, the Education Ministry has decided to close down coaching centres from March 29.

May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018

Man jailed for leaking questions in Rajshahi

A Rajshahi court sentences a man to five years rigorous imprisonment in a case filed for leaking question papers of Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations in 2014 in Rajshahi.

March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018

Coaching centres to be shut ahead of HSC tests

In a bid to prevent question paper leak in the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) exams, the Education Ministry has decided to close down coaching centres from March 29.

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