The Vicky Zahed-directed film, titled “Andhokarer Gaan”, revolves around a love story at its core. Apu plays the son of a wealthy man, a young individual struggling with drug addiction.
The much-anticipated film "Poran" is set to release this December, confirms the film's director, Raihan Rafi. It is based on the gruesome Rifat murder that happened on June 26, 2019 in front of Barguna Government College.
The Vicky Zahed-directed film, titled “Andhokarer Gaan”, revolves around a love story at its core. Apu plays the son of a wealthy man, a young individual struggling with drug addiction.
The much-anticipated film "Poran" is set to release this December, confirms the film's director, Raihan Rafi. It is based on the gruesome Rifat murder that happened on June 26, 2019 in front of Barguna Government College.