Renowned actor Chanchal Chowdhury has slammed rumours circulating in Indian media that claim he was detained at an airport and placed under house arrest. The report, published by West Bengal-based Sangbad Pratidin, alleges that Chanchal was stopped while travelling to New York and is now under surveillance.
He also said that he is excited to work in the Chorki, SVF, and Alpha-i joint production “Dom” which is expected to begin the shoots in the middle of this year.
Renowned actor Chanchal Chowdhury has slammed rumours circulating in Indian media that claim he was detained at an airport and placed under house arrest. The report, published by West Bengal-based Sangbad Pratidin, alleges that Chanchal was stopped while travelling to New York and is now under surveillance.
He also said that he is excited to work in the Chorki, SVF, and Alpha-i joint production “Dom” which is expected to begin the shoots in the middle of this year.