Arab Spring

Revolution and education: Some thoughts on the ‘political’ in universities

Will all that the revolution called for in spirit prevail in structures?

When will we democratise the political parties of Bangladesh?

The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.

Is It Sri Lanka’s ‘Arab Spring’ Moment?

Two dates – May 9 and July 9 – will remain significant for the Rajapaksa brothers in Sri Lanka.

Russia ‘capable of more’ in Syria

Vladimir Putin has said Russia is using "far from everything we are capable of" in its military operations in Syria.

Tony Blair apologises for Iraq war ‘mistakes’

Tony Blair apologises for mistakes made over the Iraq War - and said there were "elements of truth" to claims the war caused the rise of Islamic State.

Nobel Economics Prize to wrap up 2015 awards season

The 2015 Nobel season wraps up with the announcement of the winner of the economics prize, which could go to research into the job market or consumer behaviour, though no obvious frontrunner stands out.

Mubarak jailed in corruption retrial

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak sentenced to three years in jail on corruption charges after retrial.

The“Arab Spring”that is no more

FOUR years after the abdication of long-time Egyptian autocrat, President Husni Mubarak, in what seemed a watershed moment in recent history, the“Arab Spring -- a succession of popular uprisings in Arab countries -- seems depleted, defeated, and reset to zero.

August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024

Revolution and education: Some thoughts on the ‘political’ in universities

Will all that the revolution called for in spirit prevail in structures?

August 16, 2024
August 16, 2024

When will we democratise the political parties of Bangladesh?

The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.

July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022

Is It Sri Lanka’s ‘Arab Spring’ Moment?

Two dates – May 9 and July 9 – will remain significant for the Rajapaksa brothers in Sri Lanka.

December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015

Russia ‘capable of more’ in Syria

Vladimir Putin has said Russia is using "far from everything we are capable of" in its military operations in Syria.

October 25, 2015
October 25, 2015

Tony Blair apologises for Iraq war ‘mistakes’

Tony Blair apologises for mistakes made over the Iraq War - and said there were "elements of truth" to claims the war caused the rise of Islamic State.

October 12, 2015
October 12, 2015

Nobel Economics Prize to wrap up 2015 awards season

The 2015 Nobel season wraps up with the announcement of the winner of the economics prize, which could go to research into the job market or consumer behaviour, though no obvious frontrunner stands out.

May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015

Mubarak jailed in corruption retrial

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak sentenced to three years in jail on corruption charges after retrial.

February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015

The“Arab Spring”that is no more

FOUR years after the abdication of long-time Egyptian autocrat, President Husni Mubarak, in what seemed a watershed moment in recent history, the“Arab Spring -- a succession of popular uprisings in Arab countries -- seems depleted, defeated, and reset to zero.

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