11th Bangladesh National Election 2018


Tara Mia finds it difficult to even move his right arm deformed since birth. A bit tall and scrawny, the man from Sunamganj's Jamalganj upazila uses his left hand to have meals.

Dr Kamal seeks foreign ‘mediation’ for fresh polls

Jatiya Oikyafront convener Dr Kamal Hossain urges the diplomatic corps in Dhaka to manage the Awami League government to hold a fresh national election under a nonparty administration immediately.

24 beehives at polling centre in Jamalpur; voters fear possible bee attacks

Voters of a polling centre in Jamalpur -2 constituency are worried to cast their votes fearing a possible attack by wild bees on the election day as 24 beehives have been found there.

Oikyafront promises stern actions over banking scams

Stern actions will be taken against persons responsible for banking scams and the Bangladesh Bank will be given full autonomy to run the banking sector, Jatiya Oikyafront said in its manifesto.

Don’t follow unlawful orders, Dr Kamal urges cops

Jatiya Oikyafront’s leader Dr Kamal Hossain today urged law enforcers against following unlawful orders. Bringing allegation that the government has taken total control of police and administration, he said, “I have never seen such a situation in my life.”

Electioneering: AL dominates, BNP struggles

Around two weeks before the national polls, the Awami League-led alliance candidates are dominating the electioneering scene in cities, district towns and even villages while the picture is quite the opposite for the contestants of the BNP-led alliance.

Election 2018 in a digital space

With Bangladesh Parliament Elections closing in, the local cyberspace has been heated up with 'Nirbachan' fever. And to go with the 'nirbachani' feel, we have compiled a list of three interesting election related services and apps that you might find interesting. Here they are:

War criminals won’t be allowed in parliament: Shahjahan Khan

Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan and Awami League leader warns that they would not allow any war criminal in the parliament.

US to send observers to Bangladesh election amid opposition concerns

The United States will send 12 teams of observers and fund thousands of domestic observers to monitor an election in Bangladesh it hopes will be free and fair, a senior official at the US Embassy in Dhaka says.

January 23, 2019
January 23, 2019


Tara Mia finds it difficult to even move his right arm deformed since birth. A bit tall and scrawny, the man from Sunamganj's Jamalganj upazila uses his left hand to have meals.

January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019

Dr Kamal seeks foreign ‘mediation’ for fresh polls

Jatiya Oikyafront convener Dr Kamal Hossain urges the diplomatic corps in Dhaka to manage the Awami League government to hold a fresh national election under a nonparty administration immediately.

December 27, 2018
December 27, 2018

24 beehives at polling centre in Jamalpur; voters fear possible bee attacks

Voters of a polling centre in Jamalpur -2 constituency are worried to cast their votes fearing a possible attack by wild bees on the election day as 24 beehives have been found there.

December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018

Oikyafront promises stern actions over banking scams

Stern actions will be taken against persons responsible for banking scams and the Bangladesh Bank will be given full autonomy to run the banking sector, Jatiya Oikyafront said in its manifesto.

December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018

Don’t follow unlawful orders, Dr Kamal urges cops

Jatiya Oikyafront’s leader Dr Kamal Hossain today urged law enforcers against following unlawful orders. Bringing allegation that the government has taken total control of police and administration, he said, “I have never seen such a situation in my life.”

December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018

Election 2018 in a digital space

With Bangladesh Parliament Elections closing in, the local cyberspace has been heated up with 'Nirbachan' fever. And to go with the 'nirbachani' feel, we have compiled a list of three interesting election related services and apps that you might find interesting. Here they are:

December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018

Electioneering: AL dominates, BNP struggles

Around two weeks before the national polls, the Awami League-led alliance candidates are dominating the electioneering scene in cities, district towns and even villages while the picture is quite the opposite for the contestants of the BNP-led alliance.

December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018

War criminals won’t be allowed in parliament: Shahjahan Khan

Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan and Awami League leader warns that they would not allow any war criminal in the parliament.

December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018

US to send observers to Bangladesh election amid opposition concerns

The United States will send 12 teams of observers and fund thousands of domestic observers to monitor an election in Bangladesh it hopes will be free and fair, a senior official at the US Embassy in Dhaka says.

November 29, 2018
November 29, 2018

No observer this time from European Parliament

The European Parliament has announced that it will not observe the upcoming national election in Bangladesh.