Sexual and reproductive health information and services for adolescents

health infoA significant segment of the population aged 15-24 year  constitutes about 19% of the total population, and a large cohort of adolescent and youth population will be entering their reproductive age in coming years. The age–sex structure of Bangladesh population pyramid constitute a wider share at its base than the top. This wider adolescent and youth segment of the population is considered as demographic dividend, and  can create opportunity for social and economic growth ...

11y ago

Stigma, discrimination and HIV/AIDS

hiv aidsI am HIV positive. Few of my close friends know about my HIV status. At first I told it to my wife. After knowing my HIV status, her behavior towards me was very discriminatory. My wife suspects me. The day my wife came to know about my HIV status, she poured patrol all over the house. She wanted to die with our two little children that day. However, my utmost efforts prevent my wife from setting fire. My wife began to use separate bedroom, bathroom, soap and almost everything of our...

11y ago

AIDS threat looms up: Aggressive surveillance needed

Aggressive surveillanceHealth officials and concerned citizenry in the country are grappling with the national implications of AIDS crisis that hovers over lands beyond the borders of Bangladesh  and have been trying to come up with means to combat the new threat that it poses to Bangladesh. Experts see clear indications that the disease that once was supposed to be confined to some specific areas is now spreading to wider residential neighbourhoods.

11y ago

Responsible behavior and HIV/AIDS

responsibleHIV/AIDS was first detected among a few homosexual men. Gradually the proportion of women infected by HIV has risen. Of the total infected persons globally, 48% are women. Among them majority are young and adolescent, many are married and have had one partner i.e. their legal husband. Married women who are faithful to their husbands and had no history of pre-marital or extra-marital relationship are not less vulnerable to HIV infection. In the recent report published by UNFPA ...

11y ago

Success story of Sabekun Nahar

Sabekun Nahar is a 28-year-old woman from who has become a role model to her community for standing up against gender-based violence (GBV). Sabekun Nahar married Jahangir Alam in 2002 according to Muslim law. Jahangir Alam demanded that her poor parents give him TK. 20,000.00 as dowry for furniture and other necessary things, which they agreed to because they wanted Sabekun Nahar to have a happy married life. Sabekun Nahar is a gentle and hard-working woman.

11y ago