World Cancer Day 2020

World Cancer Day 2020

Cancer Control: Focus on prevention, developing human resources

Cancer control in the country requires an integrated approach with emphasis on prevention that can help improve quality of life, reduce the possibility of cancer and thus cut health expenditures, experts have said.

5y ago

Who cares your PAIN?

Anu Saha, 32, has been travelling to the capital’s Bangbandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) from Sirajganj twice a month during the last two years to collect oral morphine for pain management for his dying mother Sebi Saha, 50, a patient of terminal cancer.

5y ago

Death need not be painful: Palliative care in Bangladesh

In November 2016, nine-year-old Asif was admitted to the only hospital which treats child cancer patients in the country. He was prematurely released from the hospital, with a few months of treatment still left to receive.

5y ago