Rooppur Nuclear Power Programme

Rooppur Nuclear Power Programme

“The nuclear dream comes true”

What is the present status of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) project?

7y ago

State of nuclear safety education and research in Bangladesh

After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

7y ago

Timeline / Rooppur Power Programme

Rooppur Power Programme

7y ago

Why do we need nuclear power?

There are concerns around the world about taking up nuclear power projects, especially from the safety and large-scale upfront investment aspects. And for Bangladesh, there is a concern that since we are a densely populated country, a nuclear accident would be a massive disaster for us.

7y ago

All you need to know about Rooppur Nuclear Power Programme

Bangladesh has been maintaining robust growth over the last two decades. The present government is committed to

7y ago

All you need to know about Rooppur Nuclear Power Programme

Bangladesh has been maintaining robust growth over the last two decades. The present government is committed to

7y ago

Why do we need nuclear power?

There are concerns around the world about taking up nuclear power projects, especially from the safety and large-scale upfront investment aspects. And for Bangladesh, there is a concern that since we are a densely populated country, a nuclear accident would be a massive disaster for us.

7y ago

Rooppur Power Programme

Rooppur Power Programme

7y ago

State of nuclear safety education and research in Bangladesh

After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

7y ago

“The nuclear dream comes true”

What is the present status of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) project?

7y ago