Dhaka Metro Rail

Dhaka Metro Rail

One year of Dhaka Metro: Are citizens in love yet?

The MRT-6 was inaugurated on December 28, 2023. What impact did it make on the city's transportation system? what are the city dwellers thinking?

5m ago

Metro rail system to ease Dhaka's traffic gridlock

With the physical progress of the country's maiden 20km metro rail service already visible across the capital city, implementation of four more proposed metro lines is simultaneously going ahead as a measure for partially relieving the capital city of its perennial traffic congestion.

5y ago

“To have a city-wide effect, we need several metro lines”

We just started constructing our first rail-based elevated metro line route.

5y ago

“MRTs are the only long-term solution for traffic problems in Dhaka”

The first study looking into solution to traffic problems in Dhaka city was carried out in the mid- 1980s.

5y ago
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