Strong institutions for good governance

Strong institutions for good governance

Fixing the mess in our banking sector

When we look at Bangladesh's recent economic performance broadly, we see that it has done quite well having maintained a GDP growth rate of 7-plus percent from 2016 to 2018.

6y ago

Without decentralisation we cannot have effective local government

Decentralisation is often linked to the concept of active participation in decision-making processes augmenting the democratic values.

6y ago

Good governance and its link with police reform

Ensuring good governance through socially desirable law enforcement would demand that needed police reforms keep pace with the social changes and the emerging concept of social justice and egalitarian society.

6y ago

How (not) to make parliament functional

Can we imagine the incident that took place in the House of Commons on January 15, in our Jatiya Sangsad? On that night, UK MPs rejected Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal by 230 votes.

6y ago

The need to transform the capital market

In most market economies around the world, investors can typically choose between many financial assets to put their money in. The demand for different financial products arises from an elemental property of risky assets: uncertainty in payoffs.

6y ago

Editor's Note

Like the previous years, we are celebrating our 28th anniversary with yet another colourful, well-illustrated 200-page special

6y ago

Anti-Corruption Commission: How can it be truly effective?

A policy of zero tolerance against corruption announced by the prime minister is at the core of the election manifesto of the Awami

6y ago

Fractured institutions and the absence of an inclusive political system

An assessment of implementation of 17 goals and 169 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is required since SDGs are

6y ago

Good governance: How the media and the public see it

The world at present is encountering remarkable challenges in promoting governance, democracy, transparency, press freedom and

6y ago

Human rights and civil liberties must take precedence above all else

In an interview with The Daily Star, Professor Ahmad speaks to Eresh Omar Jamal about the model of separation of powers for the governance of a state and why it is so important.

6y ago

Bangladesh Bank's role as an independent regulatory body

The role of the central bank is quite significant in regulating the banks and financial institutions in a country. It's closely linked with

6y ago

Fractured institutions and the absence of an inclusive political system

An assessment of implementation of 17 goals and 169 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is required since SDGs are

6y ago

Anti-Corruption Commission: How can it be truly effective?

A policy of zero tolerance against corruption announced by the prime minister is at the core of the election manifesto of the Awami

6y ago

Editor's Note

Like the previous years, we are celebrating our 28th anniversary with yet another colourful, well-illustrated 200-page special

6y ago

The need to transform the capital market

In most market economies around the world, investors can typically choose between many financial assets to put their money in. The demand for different financial products arises from an elemental property of risky assets: uncertainty in payoffs.

6y ago

How (not) to make parliament functional

Can we imagine the incident that took place in the House of Commons on January 15, in our Jatiya Sangsad? On that night, UK MPs rejected Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal by 230 votes.

6y ago

Good governance and its link with police reform

Ensuring good governance through socially desirable law enforcement would demand that needed police reforms keep pace with the social changes and the emerging concept of social justice and egalitarian society.

6y ago

Without decentralisation we cannot have effective local government

Decentralisation is often linked to the concept of active participation in decision-making processes augmenting the democratic values.

6y ago