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10 yrs of Rana Plaza collapse: How are the workers doing?

Today, April 24, marks the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse. Although they survived the accident on that fateful day, many injured workers are still unable to return to normal life. How are the victims of the Rana Plaza collapse doing after a decade?


10 yrs of Rana Plaza collapse: How are the workers doing?

Today, April 24, marks the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse. Although they survived the accident on that fateful day, many injured workers are still unable to return to normal life. How are the victims of the Rana Plaza collapse doing after a decade?


‘সার্বজনীন স্বাস্থ্য ব্যবস্থা’ গড়তে বিএনপির স্বাস্থ্যখাত সংস্কার রূপরেখা

স্বাস্থ্যখাত উন্নয়নে তিন ধাপে স্বল্প, মধ্য ও দীর্ঘমেয়াদি ব্যবস্থা নেওয়ার সুপারিশ করেছে বিএনপি।

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