
Rana Plaza: April 24 tagged workers’ mourning day

Bangladesh Garment Workers’ Front on March 24, 2017 labels April 24, the day of the Rana Plaza disaster, as “National Garment Workers’ Mourning Day”. The call is made at a human chain in front of Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka. Photo: Palash Khan

Bangladesh Garment Workers’ Front today labeled April 24, the day of the Rana Plaza disaster, as “National Garment Workers’ Mourning Day”.

The call was made at a human chain in front of Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka today, ahead of the fourth anniversary of the world’s biggest factory disaster.

The garment workers of the country will observe the day as Garment Workers Mourning Day across the country, Alamgir, the convener of the demonstration, announced.

READ ALSO: Light of hope for Rana Plaza victims

They also demanded Tk 48 lakh compensation to the victim’s family members in case of death at workplace, compensation for disabled and injured workers, their treatment and rehabilitation.

They also demanded Tk 15,000 as the minimum salary of the garment workers.

Alamgir also demanded withdrawal of the “false” cases against the garment workers of Ashulia.

READ MORE: 5 more RMG factories shut

At least 1,136 people, mostly garment workers, were killed and more than 2,500 injured in the building collapse on April 24, 2013, which sparked worldwide criticism of the standards of labour and human rights in Bangladesh.

The star file photo shows cranes working to remove Rana Plaza debris after the collapse in 2013.

The Criminal Investigation Department accused 42 individuals, including the building owner, Sohel Rana, in the charge sheets submitted to the court.

Forty-one were accused in the murder case while 18 charge-sheeted in the other case.


Rana Plaza: April 24 tagged workers’ mourning day

Bangladesh Garment Workers’ Front on March 24, 2017 labels April 24, the day of the Rana Plaza disaster, as “National Garment Workers’ Mourning Day”. The call is made at a human chain in front of Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka. Photo: Palash Khan

Bangladesh Garment Workers’ Front today labeled April 24, the day of the Rana Plaza disaster, as “National Garment Workers’ Mourning Day”.

The call was made at a human chain in front of Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka today, ahead of the fourth anniversary of the world’s biggest factory disaster.

The garment workers of the country will observe the day as Garment Workers Mourning Day across the country, Alamgir, the convener of the demonstration, announced.

READ ALSO: Light of hope for Rana Plaza victims

They also demanded Tk 48 lakh compensation to the victim’s family members in case of death at workplace, compensation for disabled and injured workers, their treatment and rehabilitation.

They also demanded Tk 15,000 as the minimum salary of the garment workers.

Alamgir also demanded withdrawal of the “false” cases against the garment workers of Ashulia.

READ MORE: 5 more RMG factories shut

At least 1,136 people, mostly garment workers, were killed and more than 2,500 injured in the building collapse on April 24, 2013, which sparked worldwide criticism of the standards of labour and human rights in Bangladesh.

The star file photo shows cranes working to remove Rana Plaza debris after the collapse in 2013.

The Criminal Investigation Department accused 42 individuals, including the building owner, Sohel Rana, in the charge sheets submitted to the court.

Forty-one were accused in the murder case while 18 charge-sheeted in the other case.


প্রধান উপদেষ্টার প্রেস উইং

সরকার বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠান-স্থাপনায় ভাঙচুর ও অগ্নিসংযোগ শক্তভাবে প্রতিহত করবে: প্রেস উইং

‘অন্তর্বর্তী সরকার গভীর উদ্বেগের সঙ্গে লক্ষ্য করছে যে, কতিপয় ব্যক্তি ও গোষ্ঠী সারাদেশে বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠান ও স্থাপনায় ভাঙচুর ও অগ্নিসংযোগের চেষ্টা করছে।’

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