Environment Multimedia

Environment Multimedia

Russell's viper: Is it really among the world's most poisonous snakes?

Today's Star Explains will explore the facts and misinformation surrounding the snake

2m ago

Cyclone Remal: Animal death toll in Sundarbans rises to 100

The death toll of animals from the flooding in the Sundarbans has climbed to 100 after Cyclone Remal hit the world’s largest mangrove forest on Sunday

3m ago

How the Sundarbans repeatedly saves Bangladesh from cyclones

In today's Star Explains, we take a look into how this mangrove forest has repeatedly helped reduce the severity of cyclones in Bangladesh

3m ago

Chittaranjan Das plants 3 lakh palm trees in 16 years

Find out more on today's episode of Inside Bangladesh

3m ago

Factories and city waste polluting Gorai river

The current condition of the Gorai River is featured on today's Star Special

7m ago

Private forest now a bird sanctuary

Today's Star Special will feature the story of Akash Koli Das's bird sanctuary

9m ago

World's richest 1pc emit as much carbon as poorest 66pc

Check out today's Star Explains to find out more

9m ago

Combating Air Pollution: $2.3b int’l fund fails to improve situation

The air quality in Bangladesh remains toxic nearly half the year even after the country received a whopping $2.3 billion to curb air pollution.

11m ago

Abul Bashar: Narrating stories of the marginalised

Abul Bashar Rahman has been eager to learn about the environment since his school days. As he started studying economics at the British Columbia University of Canada three years ago, he went in-depth into the matter. He found out how massive industrialisation in the global North was mostly respo

1y ago

Green Tex: Eco-friendly garment factory in Mymensingh's Bhaluka

A unit of Green Textile Limited of Bangladesh topped the list of eco-friendly factories in February this year.

1y ago

Are migratory birds still being hunted in Sylhet?

In Sylhet's Hakaluki Haor, some poachers are killing migratory birds using traps and poison. The birds are then sold to various local markets.

1y ago

All the city's waste dumped under the open sky

About two lakh citizens live in Pabna municipal area but without a proper waste management system. Although upgraded to a first-class municipality in 1989, all the waste in the city is still being dumped under the open sky. This is resulting in a public health hazard in the town.

1y ago

River erosion following flood cause for distress in Sirajganj

Severe river erosion following the floods has affected five upazilas in Sirajganj. During this monsoon, around a thousand families have lost their homes.

2y ago

How did the flood situation worsen so fast?

Will we be able to handle it if the flood situation worsens further?

2y ago

Tree planted per newborn in Gaibandha village

It has become the norm in Mathorpara village of Gaibandha that a tree is planted immediately after the birth of a child. Villeger Gopal Chandra is behind this wonderful initiative.

2y ago

Climate Change: Bangladesh one of the most vulnerable countries

We're witnessing unexpected changes in the global climate following global warming. What are the risks for Bangladesh? How severe are they?

2y ago

Jhau forest, houses being lost to tidal waves in Kuakata

One of the main attractions of the Kuakata beach used to be the lush greenery of Kewra, Gewa Kadai and Jhau trees. However, many of these trees in Gangamati Char and Kawar Char in Kuakata are being washed away by huge tidal waves. Not just trees, houses too are being washed away into the sea.

2y ago

19 Himalayan vultures freed in nature

Vultures and other birds migrate in search of food during winter. Sometimes they fall sick due to lack of food while travelling such long distances.

2y ago
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