Star Literature

Women’s revolution

The old order must be rolled up and with it its extremes / To give way to the new, despite long-standing Supremes

The theocracy is crumbling in its seat
43 years now, the people shall no longer just bleat
Like a pregnancy that lasts for 42 weeks at most
Before a new life is pushed out through its host
The old order must be rolled up and with it its extremes
To give way to the new, despite long-standing Supremes
Zan, zendegi, azadi–we chant
Escape from generational or communal trauma we can't
Skulls smashed with batons, chests rammed with bullets
Tears run in rivulets
The blood of short-lived lives of children on the land
Of the Ayatollahs that forbid the sight of a female hair strand
Stop, we want the right to life and liberty
Your draconian laws have lost validity
The fire in the hearts shan't fizzle out
Do not mistake it for just a transient bout
Fear is absent, risks abundant, united we strive
Cyrus's standards we shall revive


Noora Shamsi Bahar is a senior lecturer at the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University, and a published researcher and translator.



Women’s revolution

The old order must be rolled up and with it its extremes / To give way to the new, despite long-standing Supremes

The theocracy is crumbling in its seat
43 years now, the people shall no longer just bleat
Like a pregnancy that lasts for 42 weeks at most
Before a new life is pushed out through its host
The old order must be rolled up and with it its extremes
To give way to the new, despite long-standing Supremes
Zan, zendegi, azadi–we chant
Escape from generational or communal trauma we can't
Skulls smashed with batons, chests rammed with bullets
Tears run in rivulets
The blood of short-lived lives of children on the land
Of the Ayatollahs that forbid the sight of a female hair strand
Stop, we want the right to life and liberty
Your draconian laws have lost validity
The fire in the hearts shan't fizzle out
Do not mistake it for just a transient bout
Fear is absent, risks abundant, united we strive
Cyrus's standards we shall revive


Noora Shamsi Bahar is a senior lecturer at the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University, and a published researcher and translator.


আদানি পাওয়ার, বাংলাদেশ বিদ্যুৎ উন্নয়ন বোর্ড, এপিজেএল, বিদ্যুৎ, পাওয়ার গ্রিড বাংলাদেশ,

বাংলাদেশকে পুরো ১৬০০ মেগাওয়াট বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহে সম্মত আদানি: রয়টার্স

তবে বাংলাদেশ বিদ্যুতের দামে যে ছাড় ও কর–সুবিধা চেয়েছিল তা প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছে আদানি।
