A journey through you

I took a lonely stroll
on the hollows of your cheeks
dusted off your iris
painted on a kiss.
Wandered through and through
On your limbs akin to logs,
And swam across your body,
Traveled as an albatross.
I placed my humming buzzwords
Some with love, in your ears
And rhymed myself with bedsheets
To save poems from our affair.
You were bleeding in my sandbox,
The grains clumped to forge a bond
With scheming trails of petals,
Leading to our pots of gold.
The shadowed realms are waiting,
poison is far too common in love,
So, I meddled with your toxins,
to break them into shards.
Hold your tongue my sorry lover,
Know that you've forgotten to speak,
Let go, so I can steer you,
Let my kiss render you meek.
Protiti Rasnaha Kamal is a graduate student at Tufts University, USA. Her debut poetry collection titled Bare Conversations was published in January 2022 by Journeyman Books.