Star Literature

Hidden battle

Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,/ The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt
Illustration: Maisha Syeda

All the luxurious skincare routine

Finest argan oil, lip balm, sunscreen,

The fancy diet, rich in protein and fibre

Her cup of oolong tea, flavour of cider,

Bold shades of lipstick, tinted cheeks

Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,

The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt

Couldn't glow her up!

All along she was carrying a heavy heart!



Tahsina Inam Trisha is a student of Master's in ELT at Jagannath University, Dhaka.



Hidden battle

Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,/ The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt
Illustration: Maisha Syeda

All the luxurious skincare routine

Finest argan oil, lip balm, sunscreen,

The fancy diet, rich in protein and fibre

Her cup of oolong tea, flavour of cider,

Bold shades of lipstick, tinted cheeks

Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,

The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt

Couldn't glow her up!

All along she was carrying a heavy heart!



Tahsina Inam Trisha is a student of Master's in ELT at Jagannath University, Dhaka.


বইমেলায় এ ধরনের অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের উন্মুক্ত সাংস্কৃতিক চর্চাকে ক্ষুণ্ন করে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

‘এ ধরনের বিশৃঙ্খল আচরণ বাংলাদেশে নাগরিকের অধিকার ও দেশের আইন—উভয়ের প্রতিই অবজ্ঞা প্রদর্শন করে।’

৫ ঘণ্টা আগে