Star Literature

Crooked lines

In spirit as tattered and uncharted / as being matured
Design: Maisha Syeda

In form as meandering and curled 
as roads in the woods.
In spirit as tattered and uncharted 
as being matured.

Purge, plea, or pleasure, pass by in shift.
The yearnings for stability persist.
To sit on thy laurels seems apposite,
Yet to dig graves for perceptive pleasure resemble a breach
Of lines bridging the things learned, unlearned.
Alterations to an altercation!
A mind to monopolise!

Fix and fiction,
Cast a blind eye to maturation.
Water the flowers, water down my powers.
Wrap the string of opacity,
For the cementing of neutrality.

Afnan Bintey Helal is a recent graduate in English Literature and Linguistics from East West University.



Crooked lines

In spirit as tattered and uncharted / as being matured
Design: Maisha Syeda

In form as meandering and curled 
as roads in the woods.
In spirit as tattered and uncharted 
as being matured.

Purge, plea, or pleasure, pass by in shift.
The yearnings for stability persist.
To sit on thy laurels seems apposite,
Yet to dig graves for perceptive pleasure resemble a breach
Of lines bridging the things learned, unlearned.
Alterations to an altercation!
A mind to monopolise!

Fix and fiction,
Cast a blind eye to maturation.
Water the flowers, water down my powers.
Wrap the string of opacity,
For the cementing of neutrality.

Afnan Bintey Helal is a recent graduate in English Literature and Linguistics from East West University.


জাতিসংঘের মানবাধিকারবিষয়ক হাইকমিশনার ভলকার তুর্ক। ফাইল ছবি: রয়টার্স

অভ্যুত্থানে দমন-পীড়নে অংশ না নিতে সেনাবাহিনীকে ‘সতর্ক’ করা হয়েছিল: ভলকার টুর্ক

বুধবার প্রকাশিত বিবিসি ওয়ার্ল্ড সার্ভিসের হার্ডটক অনুষ্ঠানে এ কথা বলেন ভলকার তুর্ক। সেখানে তার সঙ্গে কথা বলেন বিবিসির উপস্থাপক স্টিফেন সাকার।

১৯ মিনিট আগে