Strengths of the Highly Sensitive Individual

If you often find yourself crying when listening to songs or have frequently been told that you are "too emotional", it may be that you are a highly sensitive individual.
It is not easy to be sensitive in a world that tries so hard to be emotionally frigid. Yet, there are strengths that highly sensitive people possess that prove this personality type to be of more virtue than people typically perceive it to be.
Having a highly sensitive personality is not always about tearing up during difficult conversations or about being horrible at taking criticism. One of the most distinct ways in which people with highly sensitive personalities stand out is with their empathy. People with such personalities are known to be able to use their gentleness and empathy to cut through the callousness and apathy of modern life.
This helps them to understand other people's emotions and feelings better, which makes for richer and more fulfilling connections. Being able to think from another individual's point of view can be remarkably impactful because it is this transformational empathy that is often lacking in many people.
Although sensitivity can sometimes manifest itself in people through the form of rage, it is almost never destructive. Highly sensitive people's knack for paying attention to others' feelings and their ability to correspond to that makes them some of the most considerate people to work and interact with. If anything, they are able to think selflessly and love generously. This observational skill is something that sensitive people also carry on to other aspects of life and perhaps also owe their creativity to.
Nevertheless, sometimes, despite all the wonderful things that come with being a sensitive person, it may feel overbearing. When one feels like they have to constantly defend themselves and apologise frequently for displaying hypersensitive traits not seen in others, it can make them feel like the odd one out.
While feeling alone may serve as a reason to think of this as a weakness, reminding oneself of the upsides of having these qualities should serve as a personal reminder that being the odd one out does not undermine the traits that make highly sensitive people unique and truly authentic.
Unfortunately, sensitivity is often treated as a defect, as if it's some kind of a personal virus that would wither away one's mental wellbeing if not fought with utmost diligence. Regardless, no matter how much people would like us to believe that we deserve to pat ourselves on the back for fighting against our sensitive side, the innate introspectiveness and affectionate nature of being sensitive will always be commendable and something to be proud of.
Irina is just another hypercritical movie critique in the making. Send her your movie recommendations @