How to convince your mother to let you go out

An illustration of a girl giving a presentation to her mom
Design: Fatima Jahan Ena

If you are a teenager living with your parents and happen to be a girl on top of that, getting permission from your mother to hang out with your friends is probably nothing short of an extreme sport. It's in their job description to invent reasons why you shouldn't step outside the house to have fun with your friends. So here is a complete guideline on how to convince your mother to let you go out, without sacrificing your dignity:

Start studying REGULARLY one week before the plan

Unquestionably the first and most significant segment in your noble quest is keeping yourself glued to the study desk that collects dust for the whole year under regular circumstances. Studying for at least a week before the hangout will surely make your mother a bit more susceptible to complying with you, a hardworking student whose grades definitely haven't dropped harder than Skrillex's beats this semester. It'll be a cherry on top if you do study for real but if that's not the case, at least keep an open eye so that your mom doesn't detect a mobile phone in your hand.

Help your mom with household chores

Just like the first step, you need to start practicing this at least one week before asking permission. Note that your mom will never be satisfied with your way of doing household chores, but deep down she will appreciate your thoughts and effort. This will surely make your way of convincing her a lot smoother. Oh, and bonus points if you laugh at her jokes (which may turn into a lecture if you laugh too loud, so be careful).

Sit down with your mom and listen to her rants

Unlike usual times when your mom wants to rant about her relatives and more and you tell her that you're not interested, you need to sit and listen to her rants this time if you want to keep her satisfied. But in this case, only listening will not be enough. You need to participate in those ranting sessions as well with full enthusiasm. Be her loyal soldier and run your father's side of the family into the ground, let it all out.

NEVER let your mom watch the news before you step outside the house

After you have successfully followed first three steps, your chances of getting permission to go out with your friends will increase to a staggering 80 percent. The rest of it actually depends on your mother watching the news on TV. If she, by any chance, happens to be watching the news while you're about to go out, you'll be done for. Your mom will watch all the news about the daily crime stats, instantly start panicking and tell you not to go anywhere. So, make sure your mother is watching anything but the national news when you try to convince her to let you hang out with your friends.

Following this guide will surely impress your mother and make her reward you with the permission that you've been yearning for seven long days. However, don't be disheartened if it doesn't work out, and try again next time. Practice makes perfect, especially as we'll never know what's going on inside our mothers' heads.

Nadeemah always wraps her head around the thought of what she's going to eat next and thinks that the glass at her bedside table is half-full. Say hi at:


How to convince your mother to let you go out

An illustration of a girl giving a presentation to her mom
Design: Fatima Jahan Ena

If you are a teenager living with your parents and happen to be a girl on top of that, getting permission from your mother to hang out with your friends is probably nothing short of an extreme sport. It's in their job description to invent reasons why you shouldn't step outside the house to have fun with your friends. So here is a complete guideline on how to convince your mother to let you go out, without sacrificing your dignity:

Start studying REGULARLY one week before the plan

Unquestionably the first and most significant segment in your noble quest is keeping yourself glued to the study desk that collects dust for the whole year under regular circumstances. Studying for at least a week before the hangout will surely make your mother a bit more susceptible to complying with you, a hardworking student whose grades definitely haven't dropped harder than Skrillex's beats this semester. It'll be a cherry on top if you do study for real but if that's not the case, at least keep an open eye so that your mom doesn't detect a mobile phone in your hand.

Help your mom with household chores

Just like the first step, you need to start practicing this at least one week before asking permission. Note that your mom will never be satisfied with your way of doing household chores, but deep down she will appreciate your thoughts and effort. This will surely make your way of convincing her a lot smoother. Oh, and bonus points if you laugh at her jokes (which may turn into a lecture if you laugh too loud, so be careful).

Sit down with your mom and listen to her rants

Unlike usual times when your mom wants to rant about her relatives and more and you tell her that you're not interested, you need to sit and listen to her rants this time if you want to keep her satisfied. But in this case, only listening will not be enough. You need to participate in those ranting sessions as well with full enthusiasm. Be her loyal soldier and run your father's side of the family into the ground, let it all out.

NEVER let your mom watch the news before you step outside the house

After you have successfully followed first three steps, your chances of getting permission to go out with your friends will increase to a staggering 80 percent. The rest of it actually depends on your mother watching the news on TV. If she, by any chance, happens to be watching the news while you're about to go out, you'll be done for. Your mom will watch all the news about the daily crime stats, instantly start panicking and tell you not to go anywhere. So, make sure your mother is watching anything but the national news when you try to convince her to let you hang out with your friends.

Following this guide will surely impress your mother and make her reward you with the permission that you've been yearning for seven long days. However, don't be disheartened if it doesn't work out, and try again next time. Practice makes perfect, especially as we'll never know what's going on inside our mothers' heads.

Nadeemah always wraps her head around the thought of what she's going to eat next and thinks that the glass at her bedside table is half-full. Say hi at:
