Hear and see from mental health professionals

Cinema Therapy

Have you ever watched a movie and wondered, "I really want to know what a licensed therapist would think of this character"? If you did, there is a YouTube channel for you. Cinema Therapy is hosted by Jonathan Decker, a mental health professional, and Alan Seawright, a filmmaker.

Their videos involve the two having casual conversations about, for example, Black Widow, when all of a sudden they discuss what the process of atonement is. It isn't merely the analysis of movies and characters that they explore, but they use these to explain complex psychological phenomena. The hosts also provide practical tips on how to have a better quality of life such as in their video titled "Finding Joy in Tough Times in IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE".

From heartwarming movies like My Neighbor Totoro and Little Women, to superhero movies and even Twilight, anyone who hasn't been living under a rock for the last ten years will find at least one movie they have seen or know being analysed by the duo.

Healthy Gamer GG

Initially launched to assist people with video game addiction, this channel expanded to include videos on a wide gamut of topics that might be of immense relevance to young people.

Whether it is about reasons why we procrastinate, to common dilemmas we find ourselves in ("Why Do You Only Get Motivated After Midnight") or things we might be too embarrassed to ask, to things we didn't even think could be a problem ("Your Constant Daydreaming Can Be Hurting Your Mental Health"), the range of problems explained can be enlightening for people who cannot live the life they want to for a multitude of reasons both within and outside their control.

What Would My Shrink Say

This podcast has multiple psychologists on and they talk about psychological phenomena both commonly and less explored. As a result, one can find episodes on intrusive thoughts, boundaries and self-acceptance, common questions and problems many seek solutions to, while also coming across terms such as vicarious trauma, hyper-responsibility, and "the worry illusion".

A majority of the episodes are less than 20 minutes, making them ideal for listening to when completing chores, exercising, or on short commutes.

A Slight Change of Plans with Maya Shankar

This podcast has a host with an interesting background in that she is someone who had drastic changes in her life. Initially enamoured by the violin, she had to change and rethink her whole career after a hand injury rendered her unable to play.

However, the unique selling point of this show might be the guests that are featured. From celebrities such as Riz Ahmed and Tiffany Haddish to Adam Grant and Hillary Clinton, the show often has guests who also went through life-altering situations.


Hear and see from mental health professionals

Cinema Therapy

Have you ever watched a movie and wondered, "I really want to know what a licensed therapist would think of this character"? If you did, there is a YouTube channel for you. Cinema Therapy is hosted by Jonathan Decker, a mental health professional, and Alan Seawright, a filmmaker.

Their videos involve the two having casual conversations about, for example, Black Widow, when all of a sudden they discuss what the process of atonement is. It isn't merely the analysis of movies and characters that they explore, but they use these to explain complex psychological phenomena. The hosts also provide practical tips on how to have a better quality of life such as in their video titled "Finding Joy in Tough Times in IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE".

From heartwarming movies like My Neighbor Totoro and Little Women, to superhero movies and even Twilight, anyone who hasn't been living under a rock for the last ten years will find at least one movie they have seen or know being analysed by the duo.

Healthy Gamer GG

Initially launched to assist people with video game addiction, this channel expanded to include videos on a wide gamut of topics that might be of immense relevance to young people.

Whether it is about reasons why we procrastinate, to common dilemmas we find ourselves in ("Why Do You Only Get Motivated After Midnight") or things we might be too embarrassed to ask, to things we didn't even think could be a problem ("Your Constant Daydreaming Can Be Hurting Your Mental Health"), the range of problems explained can be enlightening for people who cannot live the life they want to for a multitude of reasons both within and outside their control.

What Would My Shrink Say

This podcast has multiple psychologists on and they talk about psychological phenomena both commonly and less explored. As a result, one can find episodes on intrusive thoughts, boundaries and self-acceptance, common questions and problems many seek solutions to, while also coming across terms such as vicarious trauma, hyper-responsibility, and "the worry illusion".

A majority of the episodes are less than 20 minutes, making them ideal for listening to when completing chores, exercising, or on short commutes.

A Slight Change of Plans with Maya Shankar

This podcast has a host with an interesting background in that she is someone who had drastic changes in her life. Initially enamoured by the violin, she had to change and rethink her whole career after a hand injury rendered her unable to play.

However, the unique selling point of this show might be the guests that are featured. From celebrities such as Riz Ahmed and Tiffany Haddish to Adam Grant and Hillary Clinton, the show often has guests who also went through life-altering situations.
