Engineering graduate declared “parkour champion” after switching to BCS

Engineering is often deemed as the cesspool of depression where students from all courses of life converge and graduate to pursue careers in anything but engineering. No matter what careers paths they end up taking, engineering students in Bangladesh don't forget to rub their academic success in BBA students' faces.
However, after Shadman Sakib, a graduate from Plassey University of Engineering and Technology (PUET), shifted to Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) after bullying BCS aspirants for years, he has been named the parkour champion of the year by The Office fans of Bangladesh.
"After I got into PUET, my first job was to put it on my life events and milk my institutional pride for some social media points," said Shadman after his victory in the parkour championship.
"Soon, classes started and everyone moved on from the traumatic admission season and admission rankings, and focused on building up their careers by utilising whatever opportunities they could find. But not me, no sir! I wasn't going to let my glory fade away this soon. Every time I came across a student from any private university, I treated them the same way their faculty members treat them – with utter disrespect and dismay focused on demolishing any self-respect they have left," he said.
"Sure, my grades have dropped in the process. But sabotaging my career is a small price to pay for the massive ego boost I got by shoving my university admission rankings in everyone's faces. As someone who's been born and raised in Bangladesh, my satisfaction solely depends on belittling others rather than working on my self-growth," continued Shadman.
"But after graduation, I realised that I had to become the very thing I mocked my entire undergraduate life – a BCS aspirant," sighed Shadman as he talked about his career shift.
"Oh, how I laughed at my father when he suggested that I should stop cashing in on my institutional privilege and maybe consider attempting BCS and bank jobs," he said, "After taking a good hard look at my CGPA, I sold all the GRE books I bought in the first year and exchanged them for MP3 guides for BCS preparation," he asserted.
"Luckily enough, the shops in Nilkhet have started renting out GRE books rather than selling them and even initiated a GRE-BCS books exchange offer because they know that the overexcited freshers who'll buy them in the first year of university are bound to give up on GRE after two semesters and opt for BCS anyways."
Meanwhile, The Office fans of Bangladesh have recognised the feat from Shadman and deemed it as the greatest parkour stunt ever after Michael Scott.
"Shadman Sakib bashed BBA undergraduates for four years only to apply to four MBA programs and interview for jobs in the banking sector after graduation. But where others see hypocrisy, we see a man with the courage to take that leap and the audacity to share a job with the same people he bullied for four years," they said.
"The last time we saw someone make that big a jump and switch lanes that quick, they just got exposed on social media."
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