
I struggle to pen my thoughts these days.
Whether it's a Facebook post or something I am writing for this paper, I know that I am being watched. I am also aware that whatever I say, write, or even think can be used against me. My thoughts can be taken out of context and their narratives can be altered. So, what do I do? Do I stop writing? Do I stop speaking? Do I stop thinking?
I struggle to think these days.
It's not like the thoughts don't come. They do and often, they are very hard-hitting. Yet, I seem to ignore them. After all, why should I think if I know that it can get me into trouble at some point.
Is there a solution to this problem at hand? Yes. Is it a solution that can be reached easily? No.
So, what now? I don't know, and I am sure you don't either. For now, however, I'll continue filtering the things I write, the words I speak, and the thoughts that come to my mind.