Channels that analyse less talked about cinema

The internet is saturated with content offering varied commentary on the same Western filmmakers like Kubrick, Andersen, Tarantino, etc. The common exception has been Bong Joon-Ho and his movie Parasite, which spawned a boatload of videos analysing the most minute scenes in the movie. However, this interest did not spread beyond the South Korean director or the particular film.
While content based on the works of the aforementioned directors are highly enjoyable, I often find myself wanting to hear about films and filmmakers less spoken of.
So, here are a few suggestions for those who would prefer some variety.
Accented Cinema
This channel has the stated aim of looking at foreign movies, one of the few channels on YouTube to do so. While there are videos here on well-known big-budget movies like Mulan and Kung Fu Panda, most of the videos focus on cinema from places that don't usually dominate the world market for films, in particular Chinese cinema.
From looking at the special ways a particular actor acts to social issues and relationships between human beings as shown in films, this channel provides much more than unique recommendations for new movies to watch. A great place to start might be the videos "When Hollywood Speaks Chinese, I Cringe" and "S. Korea Used To Make Awful Movies".
Cinema Beyond Entertainment
Did you ever think that even the songs and dances in Hindi movies you grew up watching could be critically analysed, but there was no place or person doing that? This channel fills that gap, discussing not just Hindi movies but also ones produced in the West, resulting in a channel where comparisons can be made while the viewer learns about concepts such as mise en scene through Ranbir Kapoor's Rockstar.
Run by a professional cinematographer, the channel also contains conversations with Indian film critics and even an art historian who discusses storytelling.
While the channel is no longer active owing to other work commitments of the creator, viewers are sure to find incisive commentary on Hindi films they may have consumed without much thought.
Spikima Movies
Spikima Movies is different in that it chooses movies that might be more well-known such as Vivarium and I'm Thinking of Ending Things while also not being limited to films of a specific region, thus spanning cinema from Europe, East Asia, and even Latin America.
A look at a video about just the colours in Squid Game shows the unique perspectives and detailed information this creator brings. Often speaking of several films together, he speaks of the most miniscule aspects of movies like the visual cues used, the speed at which the story unfolds, camera movements, motifs, symbols, names, and much more.
Additionally, alongside discourses on specific films and shows, there are also videos analysing the works of various directors, ranging from Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar-wai to Austrian director Michael Haneke.