BRACU, BUET, MIST, and UIU qualify for University Rover Challenge final

BRACU Mongol-Tori from BRAC University (BRACU), Team Interplanetar from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), MIST Mongol Barota from Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), and UIU Mars Rover from United International University (UIU), have qualified for the University Rover Challenge (URC) 2023 finals.
This year, a total of 104 teams registered for the competition by submitting a System Acceptance Review (SAR) earlier this year. From that, 37 teams made it to the finals. The URC 2023 Finals will take place from May 31 to June 1, 2023 at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah.
The University Rover Challenge (URC) is a project of The Mars Society, an international non-profit human to Mars organisation. Last year, at URC 2022, UIU's Mars rover "MAVEN" ranked 1st among Asian countries and 13th among the 36 global finalists.