5 types of people in chemistry labs

It's never a dull day for students in a chemistry lab. You're constantly met with the smell of poorly aged chemicals, aprons precariously close to flames, and most importantly, an interesting cast of people who'll make the most out of their time there.
And who might said cast be? Well, they may, more or less, be as follows.
1. The serial arsonist
Some people just have an inherently obsession with watching things burn. Put them in a chemistry lab with a spirit lamp, burner, or even half a matchstick, and they'll be sure to try and introduce a flame to whatever they can put their hands on. And, for some reason, their YouTube recommendations always seem to revolve around setting objects ablaze. Approach with caution.
2. The Heisenberg groupie
Fresh out of Breaking Bad Season five, they enter chemistry labs full of excitement and glee. Their keen attention to the reactions they attempt might fool you into thinking that they were wholeheartedly listening to what the teacher was talking about, rather than having vivid thoughts about "cooking" some not-so-legal substances. And while they might be cultured and potentially friendly, their constant Breaking Bad references are quite the resistance to their potential's voltage.
3. For the love of attendance
There are very few things in life that matter more than attendance for this group of people, for their very foreseeable academic lives seem to depend on it. They have a high chance of being unapologetically late to class most of the time, but nothing matters as long as they're deemed present.
4. The rare Dexter fan
Much like their fiery counterparts, these individuals derive immense satisfaction from attempts at chemical chaos. Their ability to carry themselves and handle hazardous substances with the highest amount of indiscretion possible is ludicrous. But thanks to their bold actions and act-first-think-later attitude, they end up as the heart of every avid group of lab students.
5. Daydreamers
If having vivid daydreams in potentially inopportune situations was an Olympic sport, these people would be gold medalists.
They are rarely fazed by the myriad of events and dialogues unfolding in the lab. Unfortunately, such fleeting presence of the mind roughly translates to consistently being behind in class. One can only pray that they snap back to reality before the teacher has a field day performing stand-up comedy at their expense.
Remind Ayaan that he should be studying for his SSC examination at ayaan.shams@gmail.com